_____ (2022-04-29). Africa and the Collective West after the Start of Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine. journal-neo.org It was not yesterday that the US and EU countries, as well as the famous constellation (which in addition to the US includes the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) started a hybrid war against Russia, including on the African continent. They started it back in 2012, when it became clear that Vladimir Putin was …
Food Not Bombs (2022-04-29). Global Statement of the Anarcho-Pacifist Food Not Bombs Movement on the Crisis in Ukraine. indybay.org When those in power wage wars, it's the disempowered masses who suffer. Neither the political, nor the economical, nor the religious, nor the media elite benefitting from military conflicts die in wars, it's ordinary people who pay the full price.
Otis Grotewohl (2022-04-29). Arrests, kidnappings and 'decommunization' in Ukraine. workers.org The Western corporate media has been working overtime to demonize and disparage Russian President Vladimir Putin following the Feb. 24 Russian intervention in Ukraine. Whenever imperialist powers have their scopes set on overthrowing a sovereign government, they tend to follow a predictable trend, such as crying foul over "human rights," . . . |
Nicolas J S Davies (2022-04-29). How could the U.S. help to bring peace to Ukraine? nationofchange.org Policy decisions by the United States will have a critical impact on whether there will soon be peace in Ukraine, or only a much longer and bloodier war.
____ (2022-04-29). US GDP drops 1.4 percent in first quarter amidst Omicron surge and war in Ukraine. wsws.org While Biden attempted to downplay the abysmal numbers, his bravado cannot paper over the myriad contradictions facing US and world capitalism.
Dave DeCamp (2022-04-29). House Passes Bill to Revive WWII-Era Lend-Lease Program for Ukraine. news.antiwar.com On Thursday, the House The bill passed through the Senate earlier this month, and it is now headed to President Biden's desk. If signed into law, the lend-lease program would ramp up arms shipment…
John V. Walsh (2022-04-29). On Ukraine, The World Majority Sides With Russia Over U.S. dissidentvoice.org 2014 saw two pivotal events that led to the current conflict in Ukraine. The first, familiar to all, was the coup in Ukraine in which a democratically elected government was overthrown at the direction of the United States and with the assistance of neo-Nazi elements which Ukraine has long harbored. Shortly thereafter the first shots …
_____ (2022-04-29). US is Trying to Restrain Libya with its Power Collar. journal-neo.org Washington, through its old leverage, is trying to continue using Libya to its advantage. For example, although the Government of National Unity (GNU) officially gave up power at the end of December 2021, the day of the country's failed general elections, the US is blatantly avoiding any influence on the implementation of the decision adopted …
Allan Fisher (2022-04-29). Saturday 4/30: All Out for Palestine. indybay.org Trader Joe. Clares Ave, Santa Cruz…
UC Santa Cruz Center for Racial Justice (2022-04-29). Friday 5/6: Recognizing Invisible Labor in the University: Ways Forward. indybay.org Register Here: ucsc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_s-BLvUG0StS7ErSqa07VdQ…
WorkWeek (2022-04-29). WorkWeek 4-28-22 Protest At AFL-CIO On Gov Funding & El Golpe,US Labor, the CIA, & Coup. indybay.org WorkWeek covers the collaboration of the AFL-CIO with the CIA and National Endowment For Democracy NED in the attacks on trade unionists at the Mexico City Ford assembly plant and also against South African BTR workers who were on strike. The AFL-CIO gave millions to Zulu Chief Buthelezi who then organized thugs to attack and murder union strikers and their families.
Angela (2022-04-29). Saturday 4/30: Virtual documentary screening: "Palestine 1920: The other side of the Palestinian story" indybay.org
Extinction Rebellion SF Bay Area (2022-04-29). Friday 4/29: Vigil for Climate Activist Wynn Bruce. indybay.org 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, 95 7th Street, San Francisco, CA…
SJPL, SJ Clean Energy Program (2022-04-29). Thursday 5/12: San José Clean Energy Virtual Community Conversation. indybay.org Online event…
Labor Video Project (2022-04-29). Corporate Capture Of OSHA & US Gov Corruption Cover-up With OSHA Lawyer Darrel Whitman. indybay.org WorkWeek interviews Darrell Whitman, former Federal OSHA Whistleblower Protection Program lawyer and investigator about the take-over of the agency and US Labor Department by the corporations that they are supposed to regulate and do oversight over.
WSWS, the 4th International (2022-04-29). Sunday 5/1: 2022 International May Day Online Rally. indybay.org This will be an online celebration. Time of the event is given in US Pacific Time.
Novasutras (2022-04-29). Sunday 5/1: Climate + Land + Water Celebration. indybay.org lawn near lighthouse 701 W Cliff Dr, Santa Cruz…
Community Ready Corps (2022-04-29). Saturday 4/30: Moziak World Market. indybay.org 3105 San Pablo Ave. Oakland, CA, 94608 (formerly Community Foods)…
Labor Video Project (2022-04-29). ILWU 10 Backs OEA Strike Against Closure of Oakland Schools & Privatization of Port. indybay.org ILWU Local 10 at a press conference supported the OEA teachers strike against the closures of public schools in Oakland. They were joined by parents of students and also other unions. | SEIU 1021 leaders supported the teachers and also adamantly opposed the privatization of Howard Terminal in the Port of Oakland which they said would destroy the working port of Oakland. They were also supported by USW Local 5 president PK White from the striking Chevron Richmond refinery workers.
Peter Brandt, Erich Vad (2022-04-29). Peace Policy and Every military solution leads to disaster. indybay.org "Our Common Security" (April 21, 1982) called the Palme Report revealed a new way of thinking that helped make German unity and the overcoming of the European divide possible in 1989. Willy Brandt's North-South report "Ensuring Survival" (1980) described the need for a socially just world economic order and the equal inclusion of the global South.
Berkeley Student Cooperative (2022-04-29). Friday 4/29: Save Rochdale Block Party. indybay.org 3pm @ UC Chancellors mansion, march to: | Block Party 4-8pm @ Haste St, Dana to Bowditch blocks, Berkeley…
Lynda Carson (2022-04-29). April 12, 2022 Oakland Slavery Disclosure Ordinance Memorandum. indybay.org Escaping Slavery:…
Khubaka, Michael Harris (2022-04-29). 2022 Africa Unity Week – highlighting the "African Founding Father of California" indybay.org Discover the Maritime Legacy of the "African Founding Father of California" as master of the ship Julia Ann, trading throughout the Pacific Rim and became the leading financial figure in the development of San Francisco. Leidesdorff aquired a 35,521 acre called Rancho Rio De Los Americanos from the Mexican Government while acquiring a vast array of international business pursuits throughout the Pacific Rim. The 1849 historic town of Negro Bar, Sacramento County is poised for global consideration by the World Conference of Mayors.
Christian Mueller, Alice Schwarzer (2022-04-29). Nuclear deterrence and "Negotiate and peace now!" indybay.org "I believe the Administration's recommendation to admit new members to NATO at this time is misguided. If adopted by the United States Senate, it could go down in history as the greatest strategic blunder since the end of the Cold War…" | Jack F. Matlock Jr, the U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union from 1987 to 1991.
Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs (2022-04-29). Saturday 5/7: Santa Cruz: National Day of Action for Peace. indybay.org Town Clock, Pacific Avenue and Water Street, Santa Cruz…
Center for Biological Diversity (2022-04-29). Legal Actions Challenge Huge Logging Project in Los Padres National Forest. indybay.org Three Lawsuits Filed Against Forest Service for Failing to Protect Environment, Cultural Resources on Pine Mountain, Reyes Peak…
Center for Biological Diversity (2022-04-29). Monarch Butterflies, Dozens of Other Species One Step Closer to Endangered Species Protections. indybay.org Legal Victory Secures Decision Dates for 27 Animals, Plants Across Country, Hundreds More Still Waiting…
Bliss Edwards (2022-04-29). Is Sonoma County's Juvenile Justice Commission effective in upholding their mission? indybay.org This opinion piece is a brief evaluation of the Sonoma County Juvenile Justice Commission's responsibilities and limitations.
reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2022-04-29). Enlaces de Red Latina sin fronteras 22Abril. indybay.org SUMARIO | enlace a esta edicià≤n: | redlatinasinfronteras.wordpress.com/2022/04/24/enlaces-de-red-latina-sin-fronteras-24-04-2022/…
Norman Solomon, Jeff Cohen (2022-04-29). Progressives Can't Depend on the Congressional Progressive Caucus. indybay.org Who's representing who?>
Alan Macleod (2022-04-29). The NATO to TikTok Pipeline: Why is TikTok Employing So Many National Security Agents? mintpressnews.com TikTok has become an enormously influential medium that reaches over one billion people worldwide. Having control over its algorithm or content moderation means the ability to set the terms of global debate and decide what people see. And what they don't.
Fight Back (2022-04-29). Minneapolis emergency response protest shows solidarity with Palestine. fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, MN – On April 25, over 130 people came to an emergency protest to show outrage over the recent Israeli military attacks on worshipers at Al Aqsa mosque and missile attacks on Gaza during Ramadan. This protest and others in Chicago and DC this week have been organized to show solidarity with Palestine. The rush hour protest started outside of U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar's office, was followed by a march on Washington Avenue, and concluded with prayers. | Mariam El-Khatib, a board member of American Muslims for Palestine Minnesota, was the first speaker. The crowd, which was overwhelmingly Palestinian,…
Staff (2022-04-29). Piden presencia de brigada médica cubana Henry Reeve en Estados Unidos. cubadebate.cu La senadora del estado norteamericano de Alabama, Malika Sanders solicitó a la Conferencia Nacional de Legisladores Estaduales Negros apoyo para convocar a los profesionales cubanos de la salud para ayudar al enfrentamiento de la Covid-19 y otras enfermedades como cáncer, diabetes y sida, en asociación con entidades médicas estadounidenses.
Staff (2022-04-29). Rusia confirma destrucción de instalaciones de una fábrica militar en Kiev. cubadebate.cu El portavoz del Ministerio de Defensa ruso, Âgor Konashénkov, informó que las Fuerzas Aeroespaciales de Rusia destruyeron con armas de precisión las instalaciones de producción de la fábrica Artiom, de tecnología de misiles y del espacio, ubicada en Kiev. Las autoridades locales dijeron más tarde que al menos 10 personas resultaron heridas.
Staff (2022-04-29). Agradece Díaz-Canel apoyo a Cuba de Red en Defensa de la Humanidad. cubadebate.cu El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, agradeció este viernes el apoyo y solidaridad de la Red en Defensa de la Humanidad, durante un encuentro en el cual explicó temas de la realidad socio-económica de la isla. "Agradecemos mucho que estén en Cuba en tiempos tan complejos como los que vivimos", afirmó el mandatario cubano.
Staff (2022-04-29). Guerra de pandillas en Haití deja al menos 20 muertos. cubadebate.cu La guerra de pandillas que se ha estado librando durante varios días en la llanura de Cul-de-Sac, un suburbio de Puerto Príncipe, Haití, dejó en los últimos días al menos 20 civiles muertos de acuerdo a una evaluación inicial de Protección Civil, en cuyo recuento incluye una familia completa de ocho personas, entre ellos tres mujeres jóvenes y tres niños.
Staff (2022-04-29). La Habana, ciudad invitada de honor a Feria Internacional del Libro en Buenos Aires. cubadebate.cu La edición 46 de la Feria Internacional del Libro de Buenos Aires, uno de los mayores eventos literarios de Hispanoamérica, abrió sus puertas en la capital argentina con La Habana como Ciudad Invitada de Honor. Tras dos años de interrupción, el espacio expositivo La Rural acogerá la esperada fiesta de las letras hasta el 16 de mayo.
Staff (2022-04-29). Aerolínea británica Virgin Atlantic anuncia que retomará vuelos a La Habana. cubadebate.cu La aerolínea británica Virgin Atlantic anunció este viernes que restablecerá sus vuelos a La Habana a partir del próximo primero de noviembre, al tiempo que resaltó la importancia de este destino turístico para sus viajes. Históricamente, Reino Unido se incluye entre los 10 primeros emisores de visitantes hacia Cuba.
Staff (2022-04-29). Accidente de tránsito en Ciego de àÅvila deja un fallecido. cubadebate.cu Aproximadamente a las 11 y 30 horas de este 28 de abril ocurrió un accidente de tránsito en la carretera a Morón en el tramo conocido por El Chillante en la provincia de Ciego de àÅvila, con el saldo de un fallecido. El accidente sucedió cuando el caballo de un medio de tracción animal se desbocó e invadió la senda contraria por donde circulaba un jeep.
Staff (2022-04-29). øConoces los nuevos emojis de WhatsApp para Android? cubadebate.cu El grupo de esos 107 nuevos emoji incluyen al hombre embarazado que Elon Musk ha usado hace poco para 'trollear' a Bill Gates, una cara desaparecida, el símbolo del globo terráqueo, un saludo militar o las caras que se tapan los ojos o están al borde del llanto. Todos estos emoticonos han llegado ahora a las versiones de WhatsApp para Android.
Staff (2022-04-29). Recibe Primer Ministro cubano a Jefe de Estado de Belice. cubadebate.cu Desde la sede del Consejo de Ministros en el Palacio de la Revolución, el Miembro del Buró Político y Primer Ministro, Manuel Marrero Cruz, patentizó al Honorable Juan Antonio Briceño, Primer Ministro de Belice y Ministro de Finanzas, Desarrollo Económico e Inversiones, la disposición de la Isla a continuar fortaleciendo los lazos de cooperación y amistad entre ambos pueblos.
Jeremy Kuzmarov (2022-04-29). This Man Pulled the Trigger, But Did the CIA and DGSE Put the Idea in His Head and the Gun in His Hand? covertactionmagazine.com On April 6, 2022, Burkina Faso's ex-President Blaise Compaoré was tried, convicted and sentenced in absentia to life imprisonment for …
amarynth (2022-04-29). Svetlana Picta interviews Yriy Podolyaka about Transnistria Conflict. thesaker.is The Saker's translation team on TOP form.
amarynth (2022-04-29). Anatoliy Shariy — Embargo Failure. thesaker.is The Saker translation team bridging the communication gap about gas, oil and tankers, money and the failure of embargoes!
amarynth (2022-04-29). Open thread for today and a few notes. thesaker.is The news just does not stop coming. In the big scheme of things, China is completely and unreservedly committed to Russia and the concept of mutual and indivisible security and…
| xinhua. | (2022-04-29). Fighting terrorism shared responsibility of international community: China. tribune.com.pk Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian on Friday said that fighting terrorism is a shared responsibility of the international community, calling for coordination and cooperation to combat terrorism. | Zhao made the remarks at a regular press briefing when asked to comment on the UN Security Council on Thursday condemning the terrorist attack on the University of Karachi, which claimed the lives of three Chinese nationals and one Pakistani and left several people injured. | A press statement from the council expressed deepest condolences to the families of the victims and to the governments of Pakist…
| Anadolu Agency | (2022-04-29). Police in India arrest seven people for desecrating mosques. tribune.com.pk Police in India's northern state of Uttar Pradesh arrested seven people on Thursday for allegedly throwing pieces of pork, letters abusing Muslims and torn pages of an Islamic text at three mosques and a shrine in an attempt to instigate communal violence. | They said in a statement that the incidents took place in the town of Ayodhya and members of a right-wing outfit called Hindu Yodha Sangathan were involved. | Four First Information Reports (FIRs) were registered in the incidents, which took place at the Taatshah Jama Masjid, Ghosiyana mosque, Kashmiri Mohalla mosque and a shrine of Gulab Shah Baba. | "It…
| Anadolu Agency | (2022-04-29). Turkey, Saudi Arabia striving to increase all kinds of relations: Erdogan. tribune.com.pk Turkey and Saudi Arabia are striving to increase all kinds of political, military and economic relations to start a new era, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said early Friday. | üé• | The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques @KingSalman receives the President of the Republic of #Turkey @RTErdogan. pic.twitter.com/ITDmNI2oSI | — Foreign Ministry üá∏üᶠ(@KSAmofaEN) April 28, 2022 | "As two brotherly countries with historical, cultural and human ties, we are striving to increase all kinds of political, military and economic relations be…
| Reuters | (2022-04-29). Pakistan, India reel under intense heat wave. tribune.com.pk Pakistan issued a heat warning after the hottest March in 61 years while in parts of neighbouring India schools were shut and streets deserted as an intense heave wave on Friday showed no signs of abating. | Pakistan's Federal Minister for Climate Change, Sherry Rehman, urged the federal and provincial governments to take precautionary measures to manage the intense heat wave, which touched highs of 47 degrees Celsius (116.6 Fahrenheit) in parts of the country. | "South Asia, particularly India and Pakistan are faced with what has been a record-breaking heatwave. It started in early April and continues to leav…
Our Reporter (2022-04-29). 49 Teachers in Bukomansimbi Failed to Return After Covid Lockdown. plusnews.ug 49 teachers on the government payroll in Bukomansimbi district did not return to their duty stations when schools reopened after two years. Out of these; 38 were government primary teachers while eleven were staff in the different secondary schools in the area. They are part of the 918 primary teachers and 186 secondary teachers on …