TeleSUR, SH (2022-06-21). Parlamento ecuatoriano exige al Gobierno dialogar con indígenas. El pleno de Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador rechazó el decreto del Estado de Excepción y el manejo de la situación social por parte de Guillermo Lasso.
Kurt Nimmo (2022-06-20). Biden Tells Americans to Sacrifice for the Nazis of Ukraine. Back in February, when Russia went into Ukraine to denazify and disarm the country, the corporate media declared brave and patriotic Ukrainians would push the Russians out and eventually retake Crimea and the Donbas. In order to do this, we …
WSWS (2022-06-20). Julian Assange faces extradition and state murder while the war criminals he exposed walk free. While they claim to be defending "democracy" in Ukraine, the US and its allies are persecuting a journalist for exposing their war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Eva Bartlett (2022-06-20). Western Media and Politicians Prefer to Ignore the Truth about Civilians Killed in Donetsk Shelling. When Kiev's guilt in attacks on a maternity hospital cannot be denied, it's simply brushed under the carpet | Following intense Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk on June 13, some Western media sources, in tandem with outlets in Kiev, unsurprisingly claimed that …
Park Min-hee (2022-06-20). "Global NATO": Upcoming Summit Intended to Transform the "Atlantic Alliance". New "Strategic Concept" Envisaged. Special "partner nations" have been invited to the NATO summit to be held in Madrid, Spain, from June 29-30. In addition to the leaders of the 30 NATO member states, the leaders of South Korea, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand…
Anonymous349 (2022-06-20). Military Situation In Afghanistan On June 20, 2022 (Map Update).
On June 20, two people were killed and 28 others were injured by a car bomb explosion in Shirgar Bazaar in Ghanikhel district of Nangarhar province | On June 20, a delegation from the Taliban's Ministry of Energy and Water arrived in Tehran to discuss the implementation of the Helmand agreement with Iranian officials | On June 19, two people were killed and several others were injured by a car bomb explosion in the Khajeh Baghra neighborhood of Kabul city | On Jun…
TeleSUR- lvm, JL (2022-06-20). Gobierno iraní cataloga a Israel como una amenaza para la región. Los cancilleres de Irán y Emiratos Árabes Unidos dialogaron además sobre el fortalecimiento de las relaciones bilaterales.
Brett Wilkins (2022-06-20). 'Totally Unacceptable': US Rejecting 90% of Afghans Seeking Asylum Under Humanitarian Program. "We don't feel safe," lamented one Afghan asylum-seeker whose brothers translated for U.S. invasion forces. "We don't know what will happen in an hour. We don't know what will happen tomorrow."
Pepe Escobar (2022-06-20). St. Petersburg 2022 Forum Sets the Stage for the "War of Economic Corridors" The St. Petersburg in 2022 is even more crucial as it directly connects …
Staff (2022-06-20). Iran bearing brunt of most number of refugees in region. TEHRAN, Jun. 20 (MNA) — Iran bears the brunt of the most refugees among the countries of the region, based on Islamic and humanistic standards, Special envoy of the Iranian President for Afghanistan Hassan Kazemi Ghomi said on Monday.
____ (2022-06-20). Is There Life After Death? 16 Jun 2022 – A review of 'James and Whitehead on Life after Death' by David Ray Griffin – The meaning of death, and whether humans do or do not survive it in some form, has always obsessed people, from the average person to the great artists and thinkers. Death is the mother of philosophy and all the arts and sciences.
Barbara Nimri Aziz (2022-06-20). A Fearless Heart. How the Courage to be Compassionate Can Transform our Lives. By chance I picked a copy of A Fearless Heart while browsing at my upstate Roscoe library. I find it's a memoir that also explains the teaching of mindfulness for which its author, Thupten Jinpa, had become well known. | I …
Peter Oborne (2022-06-20). How Boris Johnson is turning Britain into a Global Pariah. It's July 2001, and Australian Prime Minister John Howard is Then, a ship carrying a
Dave DeCamp (2022-06-20). Report: US Secretly Reviews and Approves Many Israeli Airstrikes in Syria. According to a report
Michael Snyder (2022-06-20). If The Streets Of America Are This Chaotic Now, What Will They Be Like When Things Really Start Hitting The Fan? If you are not alarmed by what is happening to our largest cities, you should check to see if you still have a pulse. Once upon a time, the beautiful new cities that our forefathers constructed were the envy of …
Jacob G. Hornberger (2022-06-20). An Endless Stream of Scary Official Enemies. Any government that is a national-security state needs big official enemies — scary ones, ones that will cause the citizenry to continue supporting not only the continued existence of a national-security state form of government but also ever-growing budgets for …
Staff (2022-06-20). Car bomb blast in Nangarhar leaves several killed, injured. TEHRAN, Jun. 20 (MNA) — News sources reported that a car bomb exploded on Monday morning in Afghanistan's Nangarhar, leaving casualties.
The Expose (2022-06-20). W.H.O to declare Public Health Emergency of International Concern over COVID Vaccine-Induced Shingles (Monkeypox). The World Health Organization is set to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the end of June 2022 over Covid-19 vaccine-induced shingles which all member states including the USA, the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Europe …
Zero Hedge (2022-06-20). Russia Demands Lithuania Lift "Openly Hostile" Blockade of Kalingrad; Panic Buying Ensues. The Russian Foreign Ministry has responded to Lithuania's partial blockade of Kaliningrad, writing in a statement that they consider the "provocative measures" to be "openly hostile" and warning that the Kremlin may take action to "protect its national interests."…
Kamal Iranidoost (2022-06-20). Hamid Karzai thanks Iran again for supporting Afghanistan. TEHRAN, Jun. 20 (MNA) — In a meeting with Iran's Ambassador to Kabul, the Afghan former President Karzai thanked the Islamic Republic of Iran for its support for peace and stability in Afghanistan.
TeleSUR, JDO (2022-06-20). Ferroviarios británicos organizan un paro en defensa de empleos. Insisten en su disposición a dialogar pese a la negativa de las patronales y el Gobierno de escuchar sus demandas.
Dra. Naomi Wolf (2022-06-19). Queridos amigos, lamento anunciar un genocidio: Dra. Naomi Wolf sobre el "Informe confidencial" de Pfizer.
He estado en silencio durante algunas semanas. Perdóname. | La verdad es que me he quedado casi sin palabras —o el equivalente literario de eso— porque recientemente he tenido la poco envidiable tarea de tratar de anunciar al mundo que en…