Rick Rozoff (2022-01-10). Updates: CSTO touted as countermeasure to color revolutions in former Soviet states — reports. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Anti-Bellum: Belarus compares Kazakh crisis to antecedents in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Afghanistan TASS: With its aggression in Balkans, Mideast, Africa, Asia, Latin America, U.S. has no right to lecture CSTO on Kazakhstan — envoy Anti-Bellum: John Bolton's nightmare: 2,500 CSTO troops in Kazakhstan leads to restoration of Russian Empire, Soviet Union rising from its …
_____ (2022-01-10). US War Lobby Fuels Conflict In Russia, Ukraine, And Syria. popularresistance.org Douglas Macgregor, a retired US Army Colonel and former Pentagon senior advisor, analyzes the US-Russia standoff in Ukraine; the aftermath of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan; Trump's failure to act on 2016 campaign anti-interventionist rhetoric, only to surround himself with neocons; and the ongoing, overlooked US military occupation of Syria after the decade-long CIA dirty war. | "The Military Industrial Congressional Complex," Macgregor says, "seems to be more powerful than anyone who occupies the office of the presidency."ffice of the presidency."
Rick Rozoff (2022-01-10). Belarus compares Kazakh crisis to antecedents in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Afghanistan. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Lukashenko: Analysis of the events in Kazakhstan shows presence of external factor "The analysis of the events in Kazakhstan shows the presence of an external factor, of course. Their scenario is recognizable, as the Kazakhstan president has just said. One need not go far to find analogies: Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Afghanistan. Not so …
_____ (2022-01-10). Kazakhstan's Security was Undermined by Outside Forces. journal-neo.org
Numerous publications that discuss the situation in Kazakhstan in recent days testify with increasing clarity that those events were sparked by outside forces. Doesn't the terrorist assault with two law enforcement officers getting decapitated on January 6 in Almaty resemble the recent attacks of DAESH (banned in the Russian Federation) terrorists in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan? And …
_____ (2022-01-10). The Capitalist Death-Drive, Afghan Sanctions, Attack On Medicare. popularresistance.org Lee Camp looks at how the capitalist system sits at the heart of the worst problems facing society. In this history lesson, Camp takes you back to the feudal system, to the creation of corporations and currency, to the modern system that's destroying the lives of the poor today. The ruling class don't even try to hide the inhumanity that keeps the system running anymore, now that it has become almost impossible to ignore. This leaves it up to popular movements to end the capitalist system and create something new. Then, Camp reports on the police brutality victims who don't gain as much attention as those murdere…
Peoples Dispatch (2022-01-10). Civil society and rights groups in Afghanistan demand release of professor Faizullah Jalal. peoplesdispatch.org Dr. Jalal, who teaches political science and law at Kabul University, has been critical of the Taliban and the previous administrations in Afghanistan. He has publicly criticized the Taliban government's sole focus on security and demanded action to alleviate people's economic problems…
ecns.cn (2022-01-10). China urges U.S. to lift unilateral sanctions on Afghanistan. ecns.cn The Chinese foreign ministry Monday urged the United States to unfreeze Afghanistan's assets and lift unilateral sanctions on the country as soon as possible.
Tom Engelhardt (2022-01-10). Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, A World of Killer Robots? warisacrime.org This article originally appeared at TomDispatch.com. To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here. Yes, it's true. After 20 years of war — actually, more like 30 years if you count American involvement in the Russian version of that conflict in the 1980s — the U.S. has finally waved goodbye to Afghanistan …
Calla Randall (2022-01-10). The Weekly Round-Up: Colston Four acquitted, the new offence of breastfeeding voyeurism, and the Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme. ukhumanrightsblog.com
In the news: The Colston Four have been acquitted of criminal damage by a jury for their role in pulling down the statue of Edward Colston in Bristol and pushing it into Bristol Harbour during a Black Lives Matter protest in June 2020. Under the Criminal Damage Act 1971, a defendant will have a defence …
sputniknews (2022-01-10). Nine Killed, Four Injured in Explosion Near School in Afghan Province of Nangarhar, Reports Say. sputniknews.com Earlier, at least two people were killed and five injured in a clash between two Taliban* groups in northeast Afghanistan.
Staff (2022-01-10). Taliban hails talks with Iranian officials as 'constructive'. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jan. 10 (MNA) — Taliban Deputy Spokesman Ahmadullah Wasiq said that the Taliban delegation's talks with Iranian officials in Tehran were "constructive".