2022-12-04: News Headlines

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). Iran spared no effort in offering services to Afghan refugees. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Iran's ambassador and permanent representative to the Geneva-based UN says that Iran has during the years of the past four decades spared no effort in offering services to the Afghan refugees despite the sanctions.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). Blast in Afghanistan's Jalalabad leaves 6 injured. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Local media in Afghanistan reported Saturday that 6 people were injured in an explosion in Jalalabad city in Nangarhar province.

Manlio Dinucci (2022-12-03). Un Afghanistan nel Cuore dell'Europa. globalresearch.ca "Gli Alleati stanno fornendo un sostegno senza precedenti all'Ucraina e continueranno a farlo", annuncia il segretario generale della NATO Stoltenberg. Con centinaia di obici forniti dalla NATO, le forze di Kiev sparano in un solo giorno migliaia di proiettili, più …

Eric Horowitz (2022-12-02). NYT Has Found New Neo-Nazi Troops to Lionize in Ukraine. "The Bratstvo Battalion", "The Christian Taliban" globalresearch.ca

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Iran envoy condemns Afghanistan religious school attack. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — Special envoy of the Iranian President for Afghanistan Hassan Kazemi Qomi in a tweet on Friday condemned the recent terrorist attack on a religious school in Afghanistan's Samangan province.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Explosion hits mosque in Afghan capital. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — News sources on Friday afternoon reported an explosion that hit a mosque in the Afghan capital of Kabul.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Iran condemns armed attack on Pakistan embassy in Kabul. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kan'ani on Friday strongly condemned the armed attack on Pakistan embassy in Afghanistan's capital.

Paul Craig Roberts (2022-12-02). The Loss of Human Control: Dystopia Is Upon Us. thealtworld.com RoboCop Unleashed | That the government of San Francisco, America's most liberal city, on November 29, 2022 by a vote of 8 to 3, authorized robots to have life or death authority over citizens indicates the extent to which Americans have been dehumanized. Perhaps this dehumanization is the consequence of many decades of Washington slaughtering people from Vietnam through Serbia, Afghanistan, the Middle East, North A…

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