Daily Archives: June 25, 2024

2024-06-25: News Headlines

Greg Stoker (2024-06-25). Israeli Military on the Brink: Intelligence Failures and Political Chaos. mintpressnews.com The State of Israel finds itself in an impossible military and political predicament. For decades, a cornerstone of Israeli defense has been the universal belief in its deterrence capacity—rooted in the strength and potency of its unconquerable military and the omniscience of its intelligence agencies. | The escalation of hostilities on October 7, marked by the largest intelligence failure in recent history, combined with a politically damaging campaign of violence in Gaza, has shattered this myth. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have failed to achieve any of their stated operational goals, leaving Israel v…

Robert Inlakesh (2024-06-25). Media Claims of Hezbollah Weapons at Beirut Airport Echo Gaza Reports. mintpressnews.com On Sunday, The Telegraph published an article alleging that whistleblowers had informed them that Hezbollah was storing a range of missiles and explosives at the Rafik Hariri International Airport in Beirut, Lebanon. The report attempted to link this claim to the catastrophic Beirut Port explosion in 2020. | However, the British media outlet has since retracted the original article and replaced it with another piece that covers Lebanese refutations of the allegations. | An article published by The Telegraph, claiming it had acquired knowledge from unnamed sources about the presence of Iranian-made weapons being s…

Open Letter, Mondoweiss. (2024-06-25). International Olympic Committee Must Sanction Israel Over Its Genocidal War. popularresistance.org Like apartheid South Africa, Israel uses its participation in international sport as a tool for normalizing its systematic discrimination against Palestinians. In response, Palestinians are making the same calls for boycotts as black South Africans did. Palestinian civil society groups are urging us to isolate Israel and hold it accountable for breaches of international law and crimes against humanity. | The indiscriminate killing being conducted in Gaza, described by many as the first live-streamed genocide, is just the latest example of industrial-scale slaughter of Palestinians by Israel's leaders. In January…

Maureen Skehan, Workers' World. (2024-06-25). Boston: No Cops, No Corporations, No Pride In Genocide! popularresistance.org In the spirit of global solidarity with oppressed people's resistance, from Stonewall to Palestine, over 70 queer/trans, pro-Palestinian and pro-working class organizations in the greater Boston area united under the banner of "Liberate Boston Pride," demanding "No cops! No corporations! and "No Pride in Genocide!" (liberatebostonpride.wordpress.com/) | Endorsing organizations included Students for Justice in Palestine, United American Indians of New England, North American Indian Center of Boston, ACT UP Boston, BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) Boston, Democratic Socialists of America Boston, the Dyke March,…

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2024-06-25). US Veterans Denounce Prolonged Militarization, Ongoing War In Korea. popularresistance.org Two members of Veterans for Peace participated in a recent delegation to South Korea to mark the anniversary of two young girls who were killed by a US tank during a military exercise. Clearing the FOG speaks with Ellen Barfield, a long time activist who was on delegation and who was serving in South Korea in 1980 when the massacre of students and leftists occurred in Gwangju, about the trip and the ongoing war in Korea. Barfield also discusses the RIMPAC military exercises that begin this week in the Pacific and the veteran-led Peace Walk that is headed to Washington, DC for the anti-NATO activities starting the…

Lawrence Davidson, Consortium News. (2024-06-25). 'Faith In Dialogue' Won't Stop Zionist Violence. popularresistance.org In the early 2000s, I was a member of a group called Academics for Israeli-Palestinian Peace. The group went often to the Middle East, visiting most of the countries of that region. | We repeatedly traveled to Israel and the Palestinian Territories. We interviewed both leaders and ordinary folks. When we would return to the U.S., I would seek out venues to report on our findings — which could be critical of Israel. | I spoke at academic institutions, civic organizations, and to religious groups. However there were always two groups which kept me away from their members: | Most synagogues — It was easy…

Dan Lieberman (2024-06-25). Preventing the Genocide. dissidentvoice.org Part 1 of a two-parter: Israelis Live Wasted and Desperate Lives and Should Leave The fuss that President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken manufactured over their Israel inspired ceasefire plan is pathetic. Claiming Hamas is "proposing changes that are not workable." without specifying the proposed changes (are there changes?), is not informing …

The Independent (2024-06-25). Netanyahu says Israel "committed" to Gaza ceasefire proposal. independent.co.ug JERUSALEM, Israel | Xinhua| Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Monday that Israel is "committed" to the deal proposal outlined by U.S. President Joe Biden for a ceasefire in Gaza in return for the release of hostages. "We are committed to the Israeli proposal that President Biden endorsed," Netanyahu said during a special plenum …

Staff (2024-06-25). Netanyahu says Israel 'committed' to Gaza ceasefire proposal. muslimmirror.com Jerusalem : Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced that Israel is "committed" to the deal proposal outlined by US President Joe Biden for a ceasefire in Gaza in return for the release of hostages. "We are committed to the Israeli proposal that President Biden endorsed," Netanyahu said on Monday during a special plenum session …

Maureen Clare Murphy (2024-06-25). Bombing and starving Gaza can't reverse Israel's strategic failure. electronicintifada.net Hamas isn't going anywhere amid looming full confrontation with Hizballah.

David Cronin (2024-06-25). Smear campaign against French left smacks of desperation. electronicintifada.net Palestinian lives don't matter for top pro-Israel group in Paris.

MEE staff (2024-06-25). War on Gaza: Famine threat persists as half a million starving, monitor finds. middleeasteye.net War on Gaza: Famine threat persists as half a million starving, monitor finds | UN-backed report says hundreds of thousands of people people go entire days and nights without eating as Israel tightens siege
| | Palestinian four-year-old with cerebral palsy who also suffers from malnutrition res…

Gerry Condon (2024-06-25). Veteran's Trial Will Highlight Weapons Manufacturers' Complicity in Gaza Genocide. counterpunch.org This Wednesday, June 26, Jack Gilroy, an 89-year-old veteran, will tell a court in Endicott, New York why he was compelled to deliver a letter to weapons manufacturer BAE Systems, protesting their weapons shipments to Israel, and why he should not be convicted of trespassing. "This case is not about trespass," said Jack Gilroy, who

Reuters (2024-06-25). UNRWA sued by Israeli victims of October 7 Hamas attack. scmp.com UN Palestinian refugee agency sued by 101 plaintiffs in Manhattan court for 'aiding and abetting Hamas' genocide, crimes against humanity, and torture'.

Pip Hinman, Susan Price, Chloe DS, Rachel Evans (2024-06-25). Isolate apartheid Israel, protesters say on 37th continuous week of protest for Palestine. greenleft.org.au For the 37th consecutive week protesters took to the streets around the country to protest Labor's complicity in Israel being able to continue its genocide in Gaza for nine months.

bwitanek (2024-06-25). Protected Speech Slate-of-80 Moves Forward — Two Dozen on Board Already — As NJ Senate Loads Ammunition into Weapons of War on NJ Citizens and Residents Via Repressive Legislation Mandating Loyalty to Israel's Genocide. fightbackbetter.com Editor's Update — Two dozen respondents have already expressed interest in joining the slate. This effort is entirely do-able! paccusa/…

WSWS (2024-06-25). Bernie Sanders stumps for Jamaal Bowman, defends Israel at sparsely attended Bronx rally with Ocasio-Cortez. wsws.org The tiny crowd for Saturday's rally is of objective significance. The "left" face of the Democratic Party stands exposed in the minds of millions as supporters of genocide and war.

Lubna Masarwa (2024-06-25). War on Gaza: Hunger 'worse than bombings' for starving Palestinians. middleeasteye.net War on Gaza: Hunger 'worse than bombings' for starving Palestinians | Food is scarce, spoilt and often non-existent in besieged enclave, leaving people dizzy and weak | | Jana Ayad, a malnourished Palestinian girl, rests on a bed as she receives treatment at the International Medical Cor…

infobrics (2024-06-25). Turkish Foreign Minister Reaffirms Ankara's Desire to Become Part of Brics Bloc. infobrics.org China is ready to strengthen strategic alignment with Turkey to counter "power politics" on the international stage, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told his Turkish counterpart, Hakan Fidan…

albawaba (2024-06-25). Israeli high court rules in favor of drafting Haredim. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – The Israeli High Court announced ordering the full drafting of ultra-orthodox Jews, also known as Haredim, into the Israeli Army, as Israel continues to rage its aggression on Gaza for the past 9+ months. The ruling will also restrict any funding of the ultra-orthodox schools. The local movement led the call for the court's hearing today, stated that the ruling that the government must begin drafting ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students immediately.

Dr. Chandra Muzaffar (2024-06-25). BlackRock — No Compromise with Evil. Allied to Israel's Weapons Industry. globalresearch.ca

Kyle Anzalone (2024-06-25). Israeli Officials Signal Coming War in Lebanon. news.antiwar.com Top Israeli officials have laid out plans to reduce military operations in Gaza to gear up for a war with Hezbollah in Lebanon. US military officials have warned that Tel Aviv's missile defense could be overwhelmed, and Iran may enter the war. Countries around the globe are instructing their citizens to avoid Lebanon. On Sunday, …

MEE staff (2024-06-25). War on Gaza: Haniyeh's sister among 40 killed in deadly morning of Israeli strikes. middleeasteye.net War on Gaza: Haniyeh's sister among 40 killed in deadly morning of Israeli strikes | Israeli fighter jets bomb schools and homes in starved and war-ravaged northern Gaza | | A woman mourns by one of the retrieved bodies of victims killed in overnight Israeli bombardment at the UN-run Asma school in…

Staff (2024-06-25). Journalist Antony Loewenstein on Assange's Release, WikiLeaks & Israeli Drones Killing Gaza Reporters. democracynow.org We discuss the plea deal and release of Julian Assange with Australian journalist Antony Loewenstein, and the reaction in Assange's home country of Australia to his release and WikiLeaks's legacy, which he says helped open the door to whistleblowers and leakers in the era of digital journalism. Loewenstein, the author of The Palestine Laboratory, also discusses the state of press freedom in Israel's war on Gaza. The Israeli military doesn't view Palestinian journalists as journalists, he argues. Instead, it views them as "akin to terrorists" to justify its targeting of them, an…

Chen Maanit (2024-06-25). In blow to Netanyahu's government, Israel's top court rules state must draft ultra-Orthodox into IDF. haaretz.com The unanimous ruling comes after years of legal and political wrangling, and is set to send shockwaves across Netanyahu's ruling coalition…

UMMID (2024-06-25). Indigenous People of Palestine and its Real Owners. ummid.com Jews have no right over the land of Palestine. The reason behind it is that this land was given to the Israelites; when they, under the guidance of Allah's Prophets (Peace be upon them!), raised the flag of the Oneness of Allah and remained steadfast on Oneness. When they deviated then their disgrace and humiliation started.

Michael Hauser Tov (2024-06-25). PM's wife, Sara Netanyahu, tells hostage families army chiefs want to stage a coup against her husband. haaretz.com In a small meeting with a handful of hostage families, the prime minister's wife repeatedly stated that she doesn't trust army leaders. 'The plague of false, tendentious and constant leaks about Mrs. Netanyahu constitutes a heinous injustice,' said a spokesman on her behalf…

aljazeera (2024-06-25). Israeli air strike kills 10 family members of Hamas chief Haniyeh in Gaza. aljazeera.com Israeli forces kill 24 Palestinians in three attacks as Hamas blames Biden administration for war of 'extermination'.

Rachel Fink (2024-06-25). Canada extends work visa deadline for Israelis due to rising tensions with Hezbollah. haaretz.com Canada initially opened a visa initiative for Israelis in February as of the Israel-Hamas war, and offered a three-year work permit with no restrictions on profession or education. The deadline was slated to close in June but has now been extended to the end of July 2025…

Amos Harel (2024-06-25). The Netanyahu doctrine has failed and is now endangering Israel's security. haaretz.com One miscalculation could tip Israel and Hezbollah into all-out war, with mass civilian casualties. While the United States has vowed it has Israel's back, it insists that it cannot guarantee an optimal outcome from Jerusalem's perspective…

WSWS (2024-06-25). Washington rolls out the red carpet for war criminal Gallant, as US imperialism prepares to endorse Israel's war in Lebanon. wsws.org Far from being held accountable for his barbaric crimes, Gallant was welcomed in the cockpit of world imperialism with open arms by fellow war criminals drenched in the blood of Palestinians, Iraqis, Afghans, Ukrainians and Russians.

| Name (2024-06-25). Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza war. cpj.org

MEE staff (2024-06-25). Israeli high court rules ultra-Orthodox men must serve in the military. middleeasteye.net Israeli high court rules ultra-Orthodox men must serve in the military | Ruling is a major blow to Netanyahu's coalition, which includes two Haredi parties that oppose conscription | | An Israeli mounted policeman scatters ultra-Orthodox Jewish men at a protest after Israel's Supreme Court convened…

_____ (2024-06-25). Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza war. cpj.org

Hoda Osman (2024-06-25). The Day Israeli Tanks Fired Directly at AFP's Gaza Bureau. theintercept.com Israel denied the attack, but a four-month investigation shows the office came under direct tank fire. israel gaza AFP office tanks

JTA (2024-06-25). Victims of October 7 attack against Israel sue UNRWA for allegedly laundering money for Hamas. haaretz.com Dozens of victims of the Hamas massacre on Oct. 7 are alleging in a lawsuit that UNRWA assisted Hamas by paying its operatives as employees and relaying Hamas propaganda through its schools…

Adi Hashmonai (2024-06-25). Jews and Arabs were good neighbors in this Israeli city. Then settlers showed up with guns. haaretz.com The Arab community in the city of Beit She'an is mostly made up of families who cooperated with Israeli security forces. Violent right-wing extremists have decided they cannot stay there…

Agence France-Presse (2024-06-25). US urges Israel's defence minister to avoid Lebanon escalation. scmp.com US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant met in Washington to discuss Middle East tensions.

Yossi Verter (2024-06-25). Netanyahu's submarine warning letter is another chapter of failure for Israel's biggest bungler. haaretz.com The cautionary letter issued against the prime minister precisely describes the prologue to the failure of October 7 – and the ensuing failure from that moment on…

Ido Rakovsky (2024-06-25). Goalkeepers and peacekeepers: Israeli Kibbutzniks, Bedouin and evacuees unite for soccer. haaretz.com To maintain tradition and sanity, residents of Kibbutz Mishmar HaEmek, the village of Ka'abiyye and evacuees from Nahal Oz united for a soccer tournament. Everyone was a winner…

Associated Press (2024-06-25). Israel's top court rules army must draft ultra-Orthodox men, risking Netanyahu's coalition. scmp.com Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition government relies on two ultra-Orthodox parties, and if the military exemptions are ended, they could leave the alliance.

| Namedoja Daoud (2024-06-25). Arrests of Palestinian journalists since start of Israel-Gaza war. Doja Daoud

Maria Calvo (2024-06-25). Agresiones israelíes contra el Líbano ocasionan daños materiales. radiohc.cu Beirut, 25 junio (RHC) El ejército israelí perpetró nuevos ataques contra las localidades en el sur del Líbano, ocasionando pérdidas en las viviendas, propiedades e infraestructura.

Chen Maanit (2024-06-25). In blow to Netanyahu's government, Israel's top court rules state must draft ultra-Orthodox into IDF. haaretz.com The unanimous ruling by nine High Court justices comes after years of legal and political wrangling, and is set to send shockwaves across Netanyahu's coalition. After the ruling, Israel's attorney general ordered the defense establishment to immediately recruit 3000 ultra-Orthodox men to the IDF…

Tia Goldenberg, Samy Magdy (2024-06-25). Netanyahu says he won't agree to a deal that ends the war in Gaza, testing the latest truce proposal. whyy.org The viability of a U.S.-backed proposal to wind down the In an interview broadcast late Sunday on Israeli Channel 14, a conservative, pro-Netanyahu station, the Israeli leader said he was "prepared to make a partial deal — this is no secret — that will return to us some of the peopl…

geo.tv (2024-06-25). India providing arms to Israel for Kargil help, says ex-ambassador. geo.tv An Israeli soldier looks out from a tank as an artillery unit gathers on October 12, 2023. — Reuters

aljazeera (2024-06-25). Israel's Supreme Court orders conscription for ultra-Orthodox men. aljazeera.com The ruling risks the further destabilisation of Israel's government, with key religiously conservative parties opposed.

Staff (2024-06-25). Headlines for June 25, 2024. democracynow.org Julian Assange Secures Freedom After Reaching Plea Deal with U.S., Leaving U.K. Prison, "A Nightmare from Which They Cannot Wake": UNRWA Head on Gaza's Catastrophic Reality, Gaza Health Workers Call on International Community to Protect Palestinian Medical Sector, Israel's Supreme Court Rules Ultra-Orthodox Jews Must Serve in Military, Russian Strike Kills 5 in Eastern Ukraine's Pokrovsk, as Moscow Vows Retaliation for Crimea Attack, Kenyan Police Crack Down as Protesters Call for National Strike Against Tax Plan, Kenya Prepares to Deploy 400 Troops to Haiti, Protests Revived in New…

Steven Sahiounie (2024-06-25). Israel and Hezbollah on the Brink of War. globalresearch.ca

aljazeera (2024-06-25). Israeli air strikes kill dozens of Palestinian civilians across Gaza. aljazeera.com Victims include 10 relatives of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, who were killed in the Shati refugee camp.

Josh Breiner (2024-06-25). Police chief: Discourse on Israel Police crossed a red line, police are not a militia. haaretz.com Kobi Shabtai, who ends his stint next month, says 'the police do not seek confrontation' and promises that cases of excessive force will be investigated. Brother of hostage held in Gaza: 'When your flagship tool is a water cannon, violence will result'…

Eric Brooks (2024-06-25). Why elections? Nuts and bolts of how movements change laws. cpusa.org Some left and progressive people today are understandably too disgusted with the Biden administration's support for Israel as it carries out its genocidal campaign in Palestine to even consider joining mobilizations to the polls in November to prevent a MAGA—Trump victory. While anger with both major parties leading to disaffection with voting is not a new phenomenon, the question has become sharper in the context of mass struggles for justice in Palestine, and this is reflected in debates taking place within the party. Some party members are searching for various theories that could show how a boycott o…

Chen Maanit (2024-06-25). Explained: What is Israel's 'submarine affair' and could it sink Netanyahu? haaretz.com What do the cautionary letters issued Monday by national commission of inquiry into the so-called submarine affair mean and will they lead to a criminal investigation?

latintimes (2024-06-25). Israel Bombs Gaza As US Warns Against Wider War. latintimes.com Israeli forces launched more deadly strikes, with 13 people killed across two schools and a home hit in Gaza City, according to the Hamas-run territory's civil defence agency.

Staff (2024-06-25). Fire breaks out in northern Israel following latest rocket barrage from Lebanon. haaretz.com Report: U.S. officials warn Hezbollah to not assume it can stop Israel from attacking Lebanon ‚ñ U.S. urgently seeking diplomatic agreement between Israel and Hezbollah, Austin says ‚ñ Netanyahu: 'Committed to the Israeli proposal outlined by Biden' ‚ñ IDF kills key figure in Hamas' munition production effort ‚ñ U.S. military chief says U.S. likely unable to defend Israel from Hezbollah attack like it did against Iran…

greenleft.org.au (2024-06-25). Academics call on PM to end Labor's Israel complicity. greenleft.org.au

Staff (2024-06-25). Reports in Gaza: At least 13 killed in IDF strike in Gaza City, including Hamas Chief Haniyeh's sister. haaretz.com Report: U.S. officials warn Hezbollah to not assume it can stop Israel from attacking Lebanon ‚ñ IDF announces that abducted Israeli soldier was killed on Oct. 7, his body held in Gaza ‚ñ Netanyahu: 'Committed to the Israeli proposal outlined by Biden' ‚ñ IDF kills key figure in Hamas' munition production effort ‚ñ U.S. military chief says U.S. likely unable to defend Israel from Hezbollah attack like it did against Iran…

newleftreview (2024-06-25). Richard Beck: Bidenism Abroad. newleftreview.org Panoramic survey of US foreign policy as Washington attempts to maintain its global hegemony in conditions of faltering growth. Containing China, confronting Russia, driving decarbonization: each of Biden's stated aims has been beset by insoluble contradictions from the outset, Richard Beck argues, now compounded by Israel's punitive war on Gaza.

Nagham Zbeedat (2024-06-25). Fearing all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah, Lebanese politicians, pundits and people speak out. haaretz.com As the hashtag #LebanonDoesNotWantAWar trends on social media, leading Lebanese politicians seek de-escalation, clerics denounce 'Zionist interference' and Lebanese citizens voice open criticism of Hezbollah…

Steven Ganot (2024-06-25). Israeli High Court Orders Ultra-Orthodox Conscription, Threatening Netanyahu's Coalition. themedialine.org

aljazeera (2024-06-25). What have Palestine activists in Germany been facing? aljazeera.com We look at the violence and intimidation that face those in Germany calling for an end to Israel's war on Gaza.

MEE staff (2024-06-25). Report on Israeli targeting of journalists adds to scrutiny of women's foundation. middleeasteye.net Report on Israeli targeting of journalists adds to scrutiny of women's foundation | Investigation finds that Israel treats some reporters as 'legitimate targets' in Gaza, days after prize rescinded from MEE contributor over false allegations | | Al Jazeera's bureau chief in Gaza, Wael Al-Dahdouh, at…

Lucia Posteraro (2024-06-25). European financial institutions invest billions in arms companies that sell weapons to Israel. fidh.org

Chen Maanit (2024-06-25). Israeli top court justices resume prison visits, but won't see those holding Palestinians. haaretz.com Supreme Court justices are authorized to conduct both random and prearranged visits of all prisons in order to assess inmates holding conditions. No such tours of facilities where Palestinian inmates are kept were made since Gaza war started…

Yaniv Kubovich (2024-06-25). Gallant to Blinken: 'Eyes of enemies' on U.S.-Israel relations, dispute must be solved quickly. haaretz.com Amid tensions between Netanyahu and Washington, the Israeli defense minister said the U.S. standing by Israel impacts the actions taken by Hezbollah and Iran. Politico reports that the U.S. warned Hezbollah through intermediaries not to assume that it could prevent Israel from attacking…

| Namemohamed Mandour (2024-06-25). Attacks, arrests, threats, censorship: The high risks of reporting the Israel-Gaza war. Mohamed Mandour

_____ (2024-06-25). Attacks, arrests, threats, censorship: The high risks of reporting the Israel-Gaza war. Mohamed Mandour

Josh Breiner (2024-06-25). Police chief: Discourse on Israel Police crossed a red line, we are not a militia. haaretz.com Kobi Shabtai, who ends his stint next month, says 'the police do not seek confrontation' and promises that cases of excessive force will be investigated. Brother of hostage held in Gaza: 'When your flagship tool is a water cannon, violence will result'…

Democracy Now! (2024-06-25). Democracy Now! 2024-06-25 Tuesday. democracynow.org Headlines for June 25, 2024; Julian Assange Is Free: WikiLeaks Founder's Brother Gabriel Shipton on End of Decadelong Legal Saga; Press Freedom Advocates Celebrate Julian Assange's Release, But Warn of Impact of Plea Deal; Journalist Antony Loewenstein on Assange's Release, WikiLeaks & Israeli Drones Killing Gaza Reporters; NYC Congestion Pricing: Advocates Slam NY Gov for Halting Plan to Reduce Emissions, Fund Mass Transit | Headlines for June 25, 2024; Julian Assange Is Free: WikiLeaks Founder's Brother Gabriel Shipton on End of Decadelong Legal Saga; Press Freedom Advocates Celebrate Juli…

Noa Shpigel (2024-06-25). Israel's top court 'wants to force religious war': Haredi MKs blast dramatic ruling on ultra-Orthodox draft. haaretz.com The High Court's unanimous ruling requiring the state to draft Haredim elicited strong reactions across the political spectrum, with one politician saying, 'There is no force in the world that can sever the people of Israel from Torah study' as others called the court a 'dictatorial body that has wrested power from the elected government'…

Zvi Bar'el (2024-06-25). Power struggles within Palestinian Authority play right into Israel's plans of weakening it. haaretz.com A Palestinian initiative to revitalize the PLO was harshly criticized by the Palestinian Authority. These internal struggles play into Israel's plans of controlling the Gaza Strip, tightening its grip on the West bank, and bringing about the collapse of the only representative body of the Palestinians…

Hoda Osman (2024-06-25). Israel's War On Gaza Is the Deadliest Conflict On Record for Journalists. theintercept.com In partnership with
  | This investigation, conducted by Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism, is part of Salman Bashir had been covering Israel's war in Gaza on the ground for a month when his fellow journalist, Mohammed Abu Hatab, was killed. He threw his vest emblazoned with "PRESS" dow…

MEE staff (2024-06-25). Israel kills sister of Hamas leader in strike on shelter. middleeasteye.net Israel kills sister of Hamas leader in strike on shelter | Meanwhile, the US warned it would not be able to stop Israel from invading Lebanon | | Palestinians carry a casualty outside an Unrwa centre following an Israeli strike on 23 June 2024 (Reuters/Mahmoud Issa) | At least 21 Palestinians were k…

Allan Fisher (2024-06-25). Saturday 6/29: Santa Cruz: Banners for Palestine! indybay.org corner of Ocean and Water St., Santa Cruz…

Friends of Gayle McLaughlin, FPM, RCF (2024-06-25). Friday 6/28: Richmond Banner Drop and Peace Vigil – Free Palestine. indybay.org San Luis Ave & Sacramento Ave | Richmond, Ca 94804…

SOMArts (2024-06-25). Thursday 6/27: In Solidarity: Queer and Trans Artists for a Free Palestine Closing Reception. indybay.org 934 Brannan Street | San Francisco, CA 94103…

Wynd Kaufmyn (2024-06-25). Sunday 6/30: Queer and Trans March for Palestine Liberation. indybay.org Corner of Church and Market…

aa.com.tr (2024-06-25). ƒ∞ran lideri Hamaney, cumhurba≈ükanlƒ±ƒüƒ± seàßimlerinde halka "yoƒüun katƒ±lƒ±m" àßaƒürƒ±sƒ± yaptƒ±. aa.com.tr ƒ∞ran lideri Ali Hamaney, halka, 28 Haziran'da yapƒ±lacak cumhurba≈ükanlƒ±ƒüƒ± seàßimlerine yoƒüun katƒ±lƒ±m gà∂stermeleri àßaƒürƒ±sƒ±nda bulundu.

albawaba (2024-06-25). Gold prices in Riyadh Today 25 June 2024. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – Gold prices in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia today, Tuesday, June 25, opened at SAR 8,724.38 per ounce, according to saudigoldprice.com.24-karat gold prices in Riyadh Today: The price per gram of 24-karat gold in Saudi stood at SAR 280.38 today.22-karat gold rates in KSA Today: The price per gram of 22-karat gold in Saudi stood at SAR 257.01 early today.21-karat gold prices in Saudi Arabia Today: The price per gram of 21-karat gold in KSA stood at SAR 245.33 at the start of the business day, today.18-karat gold rates in KSA Today: The price per gram of 18-karat gold in Sau…

albawaba (2024-06-25). Gold prices in Jordan Today 25 June, Tuesday. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – Gold prices in Amman, Jordan today opened at a selling price of JOD 1,648.068 per ounce, on Tuesday, June 25, not including taxes and fees.24-karat gold prices in Amman Today: The price per gram of 24-karat gold in Jordan stood at JOD 52.987 today.22-karat gold rates in Jordan Today: The price per gram of 22-karat gold in the Kingdom of Jordan stood at JOD 48.571 early today.21-karat gold prices in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Today: The price per gram of 21-karat gold in Jordan stood at JOD 46.363 at the start of the business day, today.18-karat gold rates in Amman Today

albawaba (2024-06-25). Najwa Karam, husband spotted together for 1st time. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – Social media users widely shared a photo of the Lebanese singer Najwa Karam with a person whom they said was her husband.According to rumors online, Najwa Karam appeared with a businessman who many claimed earlier that she got married to. However, the Lebanese singer didn't deny or confirm the news.If this photo turns true, then it will be the couple's first appearance, even though the Lebanese singer has not announced her marriage yet.Najwa Karam with businessman Omar Al-Dahmani, Syrian singer Asala, and her husband, Faiq Hassan. (Social media)In the circulated picture, Najwa Karam appears with busine…

albawaba (2024-06-25). Gold prices in Qatar Today Tuesday, June 25, 2024. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – Gold prices in Doha, Qatar, today, Tuesday, June 25, opened at QR 8,468.46 per ounce, according to Qatar-goldprice.com24-karat gold rates in Qatar Today: The price per gram of 24-karat gold in Doha stood at QR 272.15 today.22-karat gold prices in Doha Today: The price per gram of 22-karat gold in Qatar stood at QR 249.47 early today.21-karat gold rates in Qatar Today: The price per gram of 21-karat gold in Qatar stood at QR 238.13 at the start of the business day, today.18-karat gold prices in Doha Today: The price per gram of 18-karat gold in Doha opened at QR 204.11.14…

albawaba (2024-06-25). Two Saudi cities among world's hottest. albawaba.com ALBAWABA Two cities in Saudi Arabia have recorded temperatures exceeding 48 ∞C in the past 24 hours, securing spots on the list of the world's hottest locations. This information comes from weather data provided by the "Ogimet" website and reported by the local newspaper "Sabq" on Monday.The cities, Al-Qaisumah and Al-Ahsa, are now featured on a global list topped by Basra in Iraq, where temperatures reached 51.1 ∞C. Alongside these cities, the list includes five other Iraqi cities, three cities in Iran, one in Oman, one in Algeria, one in Kuwait, and one in the United Arab Emirates.ÿß&Yuml…

albawaba (2024-06-25). Horoscope Today: June 25, 2024. albawaba.com ALBAWABA Welcome to your daily horoscope for June 25, 2024! The celestial movements today are guiding each zodiac sign with a mix of excitement and introspection. With Venus and Mars in a harmonious dance, there's a boost in both romantic and creative energies. Whether you're looking for love, career insights, or personal growth, read on to discover what the stars have in store for you. Aries (March 21 – April 19): Today is perfect for Aries to harness the power of their assertive nature. The moon's presence in your sign encourages self-expression and bold moves. This is a great time…

Steve Kelly (2024-06-25). Property Law, Settler-Colonialism, and the Vatican. counterpunch.org Newsflash! Property law in the U.S. is not rooted in the Constitution. America's legal foundation for property law (possession), "anti-Indian law," and the concept of nation-states is religious, not secular. Where did this deep sense of entitlement, hierarchy, and dominion over unknown lands and its original sovereign peoples originate? How was this wilderness continent, upon

Staff (2024-06-25). Julian Assange Is Free: WikiLeaks Founder's Brother Gabriel Shipton on End of Decadelong Legal Saga. democracynow.org WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been freed from Belmarsh Prison in London, where he has been incarcerated for the past five years, after accepting a plea deal with U.S. prosecutors. After a decade-plus of legal challenges, Assange will plead guilty to a single felony count of illegally obtaining and disclosing national security material for publishing classified documents detailing U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan on WikiLeaks. The Australian publisher is expected to be sentenced to time served and allowed to return home, where he reportedly will seek a pardon. Assange's brother Gabriel Shipton…

geo.tv (2024-06-25). Pakistan's rank remains unchanged in US State Department's annual TIP report. geo.tv Migrants rest in a shelter, following a rescue operation, after their boat capsized in the open sea, Kalamata, Greece on June 14, 2023. — ReutersPakistan retains position in Tier 2 for third consecutive time.Govt demonstrated "overall greater effort" than before, report says.4.5…

geo.tv (2024-06-25). Apple supplier excludes married Indian women from assembly jobs. geo.tv

geo.tv (2024-06-25). 1,079 pilgrims out of 1,301 who died during Hajj lacked official permits. geo.tv Muslim pilgrims walk with umbrellas on the third day of the devil stoning ritual, amid extremely hot weather, during the annual haj pilgrimage, in Mina, Saudi Arabia, June 18, 2024. — Reuters Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Interior said Tuesday that 83% — 1,079 out of…

latintimes (2024-06-25). Asian Markets Rebound On Bargain-buying But Tech Worries Linger. latintimes.com With US data indicating the world's top economy remains in rude health and the jobs market still tight, investors remain unsure about the Federal Reserve's plans for interest rates, with debate centred on when — or even if — it will cut this year.

MEE staff (2024-06-25). Turkey says Cyprus has become a military base targeting Gaza. middleeasteye.net

MEE staff (2024-06-25). Saudi Arabia detains Egyptian cancer patient after criticising Hajj deaths. middleeasteye.net Saudi Arabia detains Egyptian cancer patient after criticising Hajj deaths | Islam Sobhi, a pilgrim, expressed shock and dismay about the hundreds of Egyptians that died in extreme heat | | Islam Sobhi, 27, speaks from the Egyptian consulate in Jeddah before surrendering himself to authorities on 23…

Jordan Atwood (2024-06-25). Gaza's lost children: Over 17,000 separated from parents amid ongoing conflict. nationofchange.org UNICEF estimates that at least 17,000 children in Gaza are unaccompanied or separated from their parents, highlighting heartbreaking stories of loss and survival.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-06-25). Amerindian genes confirmed in Cubans' genetic information. plenglish.com Havana, Jun 25 (Prensa Latina) A study of 27 families in eastern Cuban provinces confirmed 20.2 percent of Amerindian genes in their DNA, which corroborates the descendants of aborigines who inhabited the Caribbean island before the conquest.

Pressenza New York (2024-06-25). Inflation, economic crisis and uncertainty in Bangladesh. pressenza.com In January 2009, when the Awami League came to power through a landslide victory in December's general elections, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina saw terrorism and militancy as key factors threatening the security of the entire region. During the 2001-2006 rule of the Al Qaeda-connected Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and its coalition partner—the pro-Islamist and pro-Pakistan Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) — the country had become a safe haven for terrorists and jihadists. | By Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury | Within a couple of weeks of assuming office, Sheikh Hasina declared an all-out war against terrorism an…

tvbrics (2024-06-25). Project to abolish university tuition fees flourishes in India. tvbrics.com It was directed the education department to launch an awareness campaign about the scheme to encourage more eligible students to apply for it…

tvbrics (2024-06-25). Indian institution starts course to teach students how to formulate aromas for health items. tvbrics.com The curriculum is made to give students both broad information and useful skills…

tvbrics (2024-06-25). Saudi Arabia develops production of materials for innovative cancer therapies. tvbrics.com This will make the treatment more affordable for local patients…

tvbrics (2024-06-25). India's Home Minister directs regional agencies to implement flood prevention recommendations. tvbrics.com He highlighted the effectiveness of using satellite imagery in predicting natural disasters…

DPA (2024-06-25). EU ministers approve US$1.5 billion Ukraine military aid using Russian assets. scmp.com European Union governments agreed to use in profits from Russian frozen assets for arms and other aid to Ukraine, sparking Hungarian anger.

themoscowtimes (2024-06-25). Elderly Woman Killed in Ukrainian Drone Strikes on Western Russia, Officials Say. themoscowtimes.com Russia's Defense Ministry said its air defense forces downed or intercepted 29 Ukrainian drones over the southwestern Belgorod region.

WSWS (2024-06-25). Putin meets Vietnamese leaders as US accelerates military build-up in Asia. wsws.org The Russian president's trip to Vietnam was aimed at countering Washington's aggressive actions throughout the Indo-Pacific aimed against both Russia and China.

| Name (2024-06-25). After 8 months in detention, Syrian journalist Sleman Ahmed faces spying charges in Iraq. cpj.org

The Media Line Staff (2024-06-25). Global Powers Denounce Iran's Nuclear Ambitions at UN Meeting. themedialine.org

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). At UN, call to restore nuclear plan for Iran. ecns.cn The Chinese ambassador to the United Nations on Monday called for the resumption of talks to restore implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on Iran's nuclear program.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). First cross-broader electric coach linking Hong Kong and Shenzhen starts operation. ecns.cn An inauguration ceremony for the operation of first cross-border electric tourist coach between Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Shenzhen City in Guangdong Province is held at a cross-boundary coach terminal in Sheung Shui, Hong Kong on June 24.

tn.ai (2024-06-25). Iranian Presidential Candidates Attend 4th TV Debate. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The penultimate televised debate in the race for the Iranian presidency was held on Monday night in an hours-long exchange in which all candidates discussed foreign policy issues.

Isaac Nellist, Federico Fuentes (2024-06-25). Green Left News Podcast Ep 42: Nurses fight for pay rise, Palestine's football team gives hope & Boris Kagarlitsky's appeal rejected. greenleft.org.au Isaac Nellist discusses the nurses and midwives in Victoria and NSW fighting for fair pay and conditions, Palestine's football team plays in Boorloo/Perth and Federico Fuentes from the Boris Kagarlitsky International Solidarity Campaign discusses the latest updates from the anti-war Russian dissident's trial.

UMMID (2024-06-25). Lynching, hate crimes mar two weeks of Modi's 3rd term. ummid.com Since the day Modi became Prime Minister for the 3rd term, Hindus have started taking revenge from Muslims by one way or the other. They are angry because it is alleged that the Muslims were responsible for not making the BJP's dream of "400 par" a reality.

Human Rights Watch (2024-06-25). Philippine Court Clears Leading 'Drug War' Critic. hrw.org Click to expand Image | Former senator and human rights lawyer Leila de Lima (center right) acknowledges supporters after a court acquitted her of the last criminal charges against her, outside the court in Muntinlupa, Manila, Philippines, June 24, 2024. | © 2024 Jam Sta Rosa/AFP via Getty Images…

UMMID (2024-06-25). Indian Retail Brands Embrace Omni-Channel Strategies to Boost Consumer Experiences. ummid.com Adopting omni-channel retailing allows brands to meet the demands of today's Indian consumers, offering convenience, diversity, and connectivity.

Larry Neumeister (2024-06-25). Sen. Bob Menendez's Egypt, Qatar trip planning got 'weird,' Senate staffer recalls at bribery trial. whyy.org A Senate staffer testified Monday at a bribery trial that planning for Sen. Bob Menendez's 2021 trip to Egypt and Qatar got "weird" after the Democrat directed that Egypt be included in the process. | Sarah Arkin, a senior staffer with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, testified as a government witness at a trial over bribes of hundreds of thousands of dollars in gold and cash allegedly paid to the senator in return for benefits he supposedly delivered to three New Jersey businessmen from 2018 to 2022. | Among favors he allegedly carried out, one included helping Egyptian officials in exchange for one busin…

Human Rights Watch (2024-06-25). Deaths During Annual Hajj in Saudi Arabia Underscore Extreme Heat Dangers. hrw.org Click to expand Image | Pilgrims use umbrellas to shade themselves from the sun as they arrive at the base of Mount Arafat, also known as Jabal al-Rahma or Mount of Mercy, during the annual hajj pilgrimage on June 15, 2024. | © 2024 Fadel Senna/AFP via Getty Images…

UMMID (2024-06-25). Post Hajj 2024 Umrah: Saudi Arabia begins issuing e-visas. ummid.com The Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has started issuing electronic visas for post Hajj 2024 Umrah season, as part of its efforts to enable more Muslims to come to the Kingdom to perform Umrah and facilitate its procedures for them.

The Independent (2024-06-25). Six charged for attempting to shoot minerals minister. independent.co.ug Kabale, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Six private security guards accused of attempting to shoot at State Minister for Minerals, Phiona Nyamutoro, have been charged with seven counts of threatening violence. They are Nobert Okurboth the Manager of Wolves security company in charge of Rubanda and Kisoro districts, Robert Mucunguzi, Anthony Niwagaba, Hassan Oman, …

Maxime Duriez (2024-06-25). Rule of law in Poland: FIDH denounces the premature closing of Article 7(1) TEU procedure. fidh.org

greenleft.org.au (2024-06-25). Sydney City Council takes first steps towards BDS. greenleft.org.au

Amrit Sufi (2024-06-25). Love, marriage and rebellion: Exploring feminist themes in India's Angika folk songs. globalvoices.org 'Documenting my culture has also been a journey to understanding it better …'Originally published on English translation of the text in the image: 'I won't leave Mohna's company.' Illustration by the author, used with permission. | When I was around four years old, my family moved from our village in

noemail (2024-06-25). Former 'Buddha Boy' Ram Bahadur Bamjon Convicted of Child Sexual Abuse in Nepal. devdiscourse.com A Nepali court has found a man who thousands believed was a reincarnation of the Buddha guilty of child sexual abuse, a court official said on Tuesday.

EDWIN (2024-06-25). BMA to screen travellers at ports amid 13 Mpox cases. sanews.gov.za BMA to screen travellers at ports amid 13 Mpox cases | The Commissioner of the Border Management Authority (BMA), Dr Michael Masiapato, has announced that port health officials have developed an outbreak preparedness plan to deal with Monkey Pox or Mpox. | In response to the 13 cases that have been confirmed by the National Department of Health, the BMA is implementing screening processes for travellers entering the country at all ports of entry. | Masiapato said at the airports, the first phase of screening occurs when the conveyance operator which is the captain of the aircraft and crew members provide a genera…

tn.ai (2024-06-25). Leader: High Election Turnout Source of Pride to Iran. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said the high turnout of voters in the upcoming presidential election will bring glory to Iran and disappoint the enemies.

aljazeera (2024-06-25). Hezbollah's threat caught Cyprus off guard, what are the issues at stake? aljazeera.com Hezbollah has several concerns about Cyprus, analysts say, and can 'attack' it in more ways than one.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). HKSAR government vehemently opposes U.S. Trafficking in Persons Report 2024. ecns.cn The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) strongly objected to the unsubstantiated remarks about Hong Kong in the Trafficking in Persons Report 2024 (Report) of the Department of State of the United States.

The Independent (2024-06-25). 113 countries have no female heads of state, gov't, new UN Women data show. independent.co.ug UNITED NATIONS | Xinhua | A staggering 113 countries worldwide have never had a woman serve as head of state or government, and only 26 countries are led by women as of today, according to UN Women's global data on Women Political Leaders 2024 published on Monday. Despite progress, women are still "largely excluded" from …

Pacific Media Watch (2024-06-25). InsidePNG's Sincha Dimara wins East-West 'courage award' for free press. asiapacificreport.nz Pacific Media Watch Papua New Guinean journalist Sincha Dimara, news editor at the online publication InsidePNG, is one of seven recipients of this year's East-West Center Journalists of Courage Impact Award. Pakistani journalist Kamal Siddiqi, former news director at Aaj TV, also received the award last night at the EWC's International Media Conference in Manila,…

tn.ai (2024-06-25). Iranians Celebrate Eid al-Ghadeer. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The Shiite Muslims across the world, including in Iran, are celebrating the Eid al-Ghadeer, which marks the appointment of the first Shiite Imam, Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS), by Islam's most revered figure, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), as his successor.

Staff (2024-06-25). Press TV on the Iran — Bahrain rapprochement. gilbertdoctorow.com I make it a rule to accept invitations to discuss some new and important international events only when I have some expertise in the subject at hand. Stick to your knitting! is my operating principle. Sometimes I have to bend that rule a bit, but then only when my aria from another opera makes sense …

noemail (2024-06-25). Afghanistan's Dramatic Semi-Final Berth in T20 World Cup. devdiscourse.com Afghanistan reached the semi-finals of the Twenty20 World Cup with a dramatic eight-run victory over Bangladesh under the Duckworth Lewis System in St Vincent on Monday, joining India as the qualifiers from Group 1 and sending Australia home.

UMMID (2024-06-25). NEET UG 2024: Arrested medical aspirants confess to receiving leaked paper. ummid.com NEET UG 2024: At least two medical aspirants, who appeared in NEET UG 2024 exams but later arrested by Bihar police have confessed to receiving leaked paper a day before the medical entrance exam.

Maxime Duriez (2024-06-25). Serbia: Stop the extradition of Andrey Gnyot to Belarus. fidh.org

Shawn Musgrave (2024-06-25). Julian Assange Strikes Plea Deal, Will Return to Australia. theintercept.com After years of fighting extradition from the United Kingdom to the U.S. on charges related to his publication of secret cables about the Iraq War, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with federal prosecutors, according to court documents filed on Monday. The Justice Department expects Assange to return home to Australia after a plea hearing Tuesday morning. | The agreement would bring to an end Assange's lengthy standoff with the White House, which has sparked diplomatic tensions and global concern about U.S. hypocrisy when it comes to advancing freedom of the press. | In 2018, the Justice…

Agence France-Presse (2024-06-25). At least 2 dead as fire engulfs Russian office block. scmp.com Several other people are missing after an office building in Fryazino, near Moscow, erupted in flames on Monday, authorities said.

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). Chinese light rail in Saudi Arabia carries over 2 mln pilgrims during Hajj. ecns.cn A rail service built and operated by China played a critical role in facilitating the annual Hajj pilgrimage this year amid scorching temperatures in Saudi Arabia.

greenleft.org.au (2024-06-25). Julian Assange: Free at last. greenleft.org.au

_____ (2024-06-25). After 8 months in detention, Syrian journalist Sleman Ahmed faces spying charges in Iraq. cpj.org

Hugo GABBERO (2024-06-25). Thailand: Joint call to end judicial abuse and arbitrary detention, and to investigate Netiporn 'Bung' Sanesangkhom's death. fidh.org International organisations, including FIDH and OMCT within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, call on the Thai government to end the abuse of the judicial process and the arbitrary detention of human rights defenders, activists, and protesters. Additionally, they urge a thorough and independent investigation into the death in custody one month ago of Netiporn 'Bung' Sanesangkhom.
AI Index Number: ASA 39/8157/2024
| Tawee Sodsong Minister of (…) | – |

UMMID (2024-06-25). India marks the longest day of the year. ummid.com India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and other South Asian countries Friday June 21, 2024 marked the longest day of the year.

noemail (2024-06-25). ZNet Partners with Wasabi Technologies to Transform Cloud Storage in India. devdiscourse.com ZNet Technologies, India's leading cloud distributor, has announced a strategic partnership with Wasabi Technologies, a prominent player in the cloud storage market known for its advanced hot cloud storage solutions.

Amrit Sufi (2024-06-25). Love, marriage and rebellion: Exploring feminist themes in India's Angika folk songs. globalvoices.org

Murad Gattal, Ahmed Rahmanov, Togrul Veliyev, Ahmed Mammadli (2024-06-25). Nothing but revolution can change Azerbaijan for the better: Interview with the Azerbaijani left. links.org.au Murad Gattal spoke to Azerbaijani trade unionists and left-wing activists about the state of society following Ilham Aliyev's election for the fifth presidential term and the Third Karabakh War.

| Name (2024-06-25). Pakistani journalist Khalil Jibran shot dead following threats from militants. thenews.com.pk

cpj.org (2024-06-25). After 8 months in detention, Syrian journalist Sleman Ahmed faces spying charges in Iraq. cpj.org Sulaymaniyah, June 24, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Iraqi Kurdish authorities to immediately and unconditionally free Syrian journalist Sleman Ahmed, who has been detained for eight months, and drop all charges against him. Ahmed — an Arabic editor for the local news website RojNews — is due to stand trial before Duhok Criminal…

tn.ai (2024-06-25). Dialogue Sole Way to Revive JCPOA: Iran UN Envoy. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran's ambassador to the UN held the US and the EU3 accountable for the current state of the 2015 nuclear deal, hit back at them for playing a destructive blame game, and described sincere dialogue and constructive cooperation as the only viable option for restoring the JCPOA.

greenleft.org.au (2024-06-25). Forum discusses how antisemitism is being weaponised. greenleft.org.au

Press Associates (2024-06-25). Gwen Mills formally takes the helm as Unite HERE President. peoplesworld.org NEW YORK—Unite HERE convention delegates formally elected longtime New Haven, Conn., activist and leader Gwen Mills as the union's new president. She promptly pledged to double its organizing and deepen its already large political involvement. Mills is the first woman to lead the union, successor to three famous unions: The Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers, …

aljazeera (2024-06-25). Afghanistan beat Bangladesh to reach T20 World Cup semifinal. aljazeera.com Afghanistan are set to play South Africa next after historic eight-run victory, as Australia are eliminated.

_____ (2024-06-25). Pakistani journalist Khalil Jibran shot dead following threats from militants. thenews.com.pk

aljazeera (2024-06-25). Afghanistan erupts in celebration as team reaches T20 World Cup semifinal. aljazeera.com Fans take to the streets from Kabul to Kandahar and Khost to Laghman as Afghanistan reach first-ever World Cup semis.

Maxime Duriez (2024-06-25). European Union General Affairs Council must address continued rule of law and human rights violations in Hungary and Poland. fidh.org The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and other international NGOs sent a letter to EU ministers ahead of the EU General Affairs Council's meeting on 25 June 2024 where member States will hold a hearing on the situation in Hungary under the Article 7.1 TEU procedure.
In the letter, the signatory organisations point to the continued deterioration of the situation in Hungary, which fails to comply with Europea Union rule of law recommendations. Major concerns include judicial (…) | – |

ecns.cn (2024-06-25). Chang'e 6 lunar probe on its way back to Earth. ecns.cn China's Chang'e 6 lunar probe is on its way back to Earth and will land in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region today.

Andrea GIORGETTA (2024-06-25). Afghanistan: Oral statement at the United Nations Human Rights Council. fidh.org

themoscowtimes (2024-06-25). Indian PM Modi to Visit Russia in July — Reports. themoscowtimes.com "I can confirm that we're preparing a visit by the prime minister of India," Putin's aide Yury Ushakov told state media.

UMMID (2024-06-25). Safety and Security key concerns why millionaires migrating from India. ummid.com Safety and Security are the main reasons why thousands of millionaires are migrating from India to other countries, international investment migration advisory firm Henley & Partners revealed in a report.

Maria Calvo (2024-06-25). Cuba pide cese de genocidio israelí en Palestina. radiohc.cu La Habana, 25 junio (RHC) El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, afirmó hoy en su cuenta en X, que Israel debe poner fin a sus actos de genocidio en territorios palestinos.

teleSUR, JDO, MER, JGN, JCM, SH (2024-06-25). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net En varios países continúan realizándose actividades para expresar apoyo al pueblo palestino y condenar el genocidio que comete Israel.

Staff (2024-06-25). París 2024: Delegación pequeña pero con alto rendimiento. cubadebate.cu A poco más de un mes de la inauguración oficial de los Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024, la delegación cubana entra en la recta final de su preparación. José Antonio Miranda Carrera, director general de Alto Rendimiento del INDER, dijo que hasta la fecha, nuestra delegación está compuesta por 46 atletas en 14 deportes.

Staff (2024-06-25). Investigación sobre violencia contra niños, niñas y adolescentes en Cuba: Una herramienta clave para su prevención y abordaje. cubadebate.cu El texto, realizado por las investigadoras Clotilde Proveyer, María Antonia Miranda y Succel Pardini, recoge 209 estudios llevados a cabo en la nación caribeña entre el 2000 y el 2020 donde es posible encontrar claves sobre las violencias intrafamiliares, en el ámbito escolar, institucional y entre los pares.

Staff (2024-06-25). Vietnam estará al lado de Cuba en todas circunstancias, afirma presidente To Lam. cubadebate.cu Vietnam siempre estará al lado de Cuba en todas las circunstancias y se esforzará por apoyar a la isla en todas las capacidades y condiciones posibles, especialmente en la seguridad alimentaria, a fin de coadyuvar así a garantizar su estabilidad sociopolítica, aseveró el presidente To Lam en un encuentro con el embajador Orlando Hernández Guillén.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-06-25). Narendra Modi celebra su victoria en las elecciones generales. telesurtv.net Narendra Modi necesitará el apoyo de otros partidos para gobernar, algo inédito en sus anteriores mandatos.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-06-25). Manifestantes bloquean puerto italiano de Génova en apoyo a Palestina. radiohc.cu Roma, 25 jun (RHC) Cientos de manifestantes, convocados por diversas organizaciones sindicales y juveniles de izquierda, bloquean hoy el puerto de Génova, en la norteña región italiana de Génova, en apoyo a Palestina y contra el envío de armas a Israel.

Staff (2024-06-25). Vietnam estará al lado de Cuba en todas circunstancias, afirma presidente To Lam. cubadebate.cu Vietnam siempre estará al lado de Cuba en todas las circunstancias y se esforzará por apoyar al país caribeño en todas las capacidades y condiciones posibles, especialmente en la seguridad alimentaria, aseveró el presidente To Lam en un encuentro con el embajador cubano Orlando Hernández Guillén.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-06-25). Irán inicia etapa de calificación de candidatos a elecciones. telesurtv.net Tras el proceso de investigación, el Ministerio del Interior anunciará los candidatos finales el 11 de junio, y los calificados tendrán 15 días, del 12 al 26 de junio, para llevar a cabo sus campañas electorales.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-06-25). ONU condena más de 500 asesinatos de palestinos en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net Más de 500 palestinos han muerto desde el 7 de octubre en actos de violencia en la ocupada Cisjordania vinculados al asedio del Ejército israelí de ocupación en Gaza.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-06-25). Presidente de Siria recibe a canciller de Irán. telesurtv.net Ambos políticos debatieron sobre el estado de las relaciones bilaterales, así como el avance de la agresión de Israel en la Franja de Gaza.

Neeraj Jain (2024-06-25). India : Analysis of Budget 2024—25, Part 1: Declining Budget Outlay. cadtm.org

GRAIN (2024-06-25). Free trade frenzy: the hidden costs of South Asia's economic gamble. cadtm.org

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-06-25). Hamas calls on the int'l community and the UN to assume responsibilities towards the horrible crimes taking place in Gaza and to act to protect innocent civilians and hold the terrorist Israeli occupation accountable. english.almanar.com.lb

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-06-25). At least 41 people martyred in Israeli strikes on Gaza City since dawn on Tuesday. english.almanar.com.lb

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-06-25). Hezbollah Drones Strike Israeli Brigade Headquarters of 91st Division in Nahal Gershom Area. english.almanar.com.lb In solidarity with the people of occupied Palestine and the resistance in the Gaza Strip and amidst Zionist aggression on several villages in South Lebanon, the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon persistently targeted on Tuesday Israeli occupation soldiers and sites near the Lebanese-Palestinian borders. Hezbollah's Military Media released consecutive statements outlining the attacks and their outcomes: …

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-06-25). Imam Khamenei: High Voter Turnout Source of Pride to Iran. english.almanar.com.lb Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei said the high turnout of voters in the upcoming presidential election will bring glory to Iran and disappoint the enemies. On the occasion of Eid Al-Ghadeer and in the lead-up to the fourteenth presidential election, thousands of Iranians from five provinces across the Islamic …

newarab (2024-06-25). Hamas refutes reports of political bureau relocating to Iraq. newarab.com As negotiations for a potential ceasefire in In a statement on his Telegram account, Izzat al-Rishq, a member of the Hamas political bureau, dismissed claims from Sky News Arabia, which ref…

newarab (2024-06-25). Israel bombs Gaza as US warns against wider regional war. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-25). Leanne Mohamad: East London's rising political star. newarab.com It has been a jam-packed few months for 23-year-old British Palestinian human rights activist, Leanne Mohamad. | In addition to tirelessly speaking up about Israel's indiscriminate attacks on Gaza at On July 4 2024, she will run as Ilford North's independent parliamentary candidate. | "Our current government and MP's refusal to…

newarab (2024-06-25). Protest at US synagogue event 'mischaracterised' as antisemitic. newarab.com A pro-Palestinian demonstration outside a synagogue in Los Angeles was "wrongly characterised" by media outlets and some political figures, including Many activist groups also contested the portrayals, stating that the protest did not interfere with any Jewish services and that Adas Torah synagogue was being used for a controversial event which was selling real estate in Israel as well as the occupied West Bank. | In a statement sent to The New Ar…

newarab (2024-06-25). South Korea NGO files case against Israel for Gaza war crimes. newarab.com A lawsuit has been filed in The complaint was lodged with the South Korean Police Investigation Agency by the NGO People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD) against Netanyahu as well as Israeli President Isaac Herzog, Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi, Defence Minister Yoav…

newarab (2024-06-25). Morocco: activists protest Israeli warship 'docking' in Tangier. newarab.com In Morocco, pro-Palestine activists are set to take to the streets in protest of the alleged docking of an Israeli ship in Tangier port amid Tel Aviv's "The new Israeli Navy landing ship INS Komemiyut docked at the port of Tangier, Morocco, for supplies while sailing from the United States to Israel," In early June, Israel's INS Komemiyut made a…

newarab (2024-06-25). Israel's government advances bill to ban Al Jazeera permanently. newarab.com Israel has moved a step closer to making a The temporary measure, currently in place, allows Israel to suspend broadcasts of

newarab (2024-06-25). As Gaza 'winds down', is Lebanon next in Israel's crosshairs. newarab.com On Sunday, Israeli The comments sparked fears that Lebanon could be next in Israel's crosshairs, with a build up of troops in the border region coinciding wit…

newarab (2024-06-25). How Israel wages psychological warfare on Lebanon. newarab.com As From

newarab (2024-06-25). US urges Israel's defense minister to avoid Lebanon escalation. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-25). Netanyahu 'Gaza war end' comments attacked by far-right Ben-Gvir. newarab.com Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has come under fire from the political left and right after hinting at the On Sunday evening, the premier said the "intense stage" of the Gaza assault

newarab (2024-06-25). Overcrowded jails force Israel to 'halt arrests' of Palestinians. newarab.com The Israeli army was due to make 20 arrests of Palestinians in the coming week but was forced to cancel due to a lack of

newarab (2024-06-25). Mountains of waste 'ticking timebomb' as disease spreads in Gaza. newarab.com Israel's eight-month This situation has seen a proliferation of

newarab (2024-06-25). US sanctions 'shadow banking network' supporting Iran's military. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-25). Flick Drummond: Conservative Friend of Palestine running for MP. newarab.com She is standing in the Winchester constituency in southern England, having been MP for the now-defunct seat of Meon Valley, since 2019, and nearby Portsmouth South between 2015 and 2017. | Drummond co-founded

newarab (2024-06-25). How Cairo's Palestine Hospital keeps Palestine's heritage alive. newarab.com Amid the bustling heart of Cairo, Rafeeq Taweel steps into a robust tall building that contrasts with This building is a hospital, one of the many in the Egyptian capital and home to some of the region's most prestigious medical centres. | The Palestinian nurse, however, feels a unique welcoming breeze as he enters these premises. | newarab (2024-06-25). Biden 'disturbed' by alleged attack on US-Palestinian child. newarab.com The woman has been charged with capital murder, court records show, following the May The 42-y…

newarab (2024-06-25). US blacklists Brunei, Sudan on human trafficking. newarab.com The In an annual report, the

newarab (2024-06-25). Afghanistan braced for 'massive' T20 World Cup semi-final. newarab.com It is an intriguing encounter which will produce a first-time finalist to take on either 2007 winners India or defending champions England who meet in the second semi-final at Guyana's Providence Stadium on Thursday. | Celebr…

newarab (2024-06-25). Lebanon's 'Soldiers of God' endorse Le Pen in French elections. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-25). Moscow expects to sign new co-operation pact with Iran soon. newarab.com Moscow expects to sign a new agreement on comprehensive "We expect that this agreement will be signed in the very near future, since work on the text is already close to completion. All the necessary wording has been found," RIA cited Rudenko as saying. | Earlier in June, Russia's foreign ministry said that work on the agreement was temporarily suspend…

newarab (2024-06-25). Saudi futuristic 'mega cities' could get quiet downgrade: report. newarab.com Saudi Arabia's An anonymous government-linked source told the BBC that some projects in Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's Vision 2030 plan, designed to wean the kingdom off its reliance on oil and gas revenues, could be delayed or scaled down due to a less optimistic forecast…

newarab (2024-06-25). Fourth Iranian presidential debate sees foreign policy discussed. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-25). Celebrations erupt in Afghan cities after World Cup heroics. newarab.com Rare celebrations erupted in multiple Afghan cities on Tuesday after the national cricket team reached the World Cup semi-finals for the first time with a nail-biting T20 win over Bangladesh. | Thousands gathered in the capital Kabul and in Khost, Jalalabad and other cities to celebrate the fairytale win, which also eliminated the formidable Australians from the competition. | Fans chanted praise for their "heroes", set off fireworks and danced in the streets. Some shed tears of joy. | "I am lost for words," Hassan Khan Niazai told AFP in Kabul while celebrating the landmark achievement. | "It is a special and…

newarab (2024-06-25). Jordan police detonate explosives hidden in Amman warehouse. newarab.com Jordanian security forces said they uncovered and detonated explosives hidden in a commercial warehouse in an industrial area southeast of the capital Amman on Monday that security sources say were part of an Iran-linked plot to Witnesses earlier said security forces had sealed the Abu Alanda area in a wide scale security operation two days after authorities announced they had detonated explosives uncovered in another location in the capital. The authorities said the explosives found on Monday were hidde…

newarab (2024-06-25). Czech Republic to lead mission to Syria to study refugee return. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-25). Iran's presidential election dominated by Khamenei loyalists. newarab.com Iranians choose a president on Friday in a tightly controlled election following With Iran's supreme leader now 85, it is likely that the next president will be closely involved in the eventual process of choosing a successor to Khamenei, who has ensu…

newarab (2024-06-25). Kuwaiti ex-MP jailed for criticising dissolution of parliament. newarab.com

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Pro-Palestine protesters march in Ghent, call for sanctions on Israel. presstv.ir A pro-Palestinian demonstration in Ghent, Belgium, attracted a significant turnout of over a thousand participants on Saturday, advocating for a ceasefire in Gaza and urging for sanctions against Israel.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Netahyahu dismisses ceasefire proposal, threatens to continue Gaza genocide. presstv.ir Benjamin Netanyahu says he won't agree to a ceasefire that ends the regime's offensive in Gaza.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). UK Muslims gravitate toward independent candidates. presstv.ir British Muslims have traditionally voted Labour; however the party's stance on the US-Israeli genocide in Gaza has cast doubt on that support in the upcoming general elections.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Hamas slams Biden administration for support of Israel's Gaza genocide. presstv.ir The Palestinian resistance movement said Washington continues to politically and militarily support Israel in its carnage in the besieged territory.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Turkey: Cyprus becoming 'operation center' for Israel's genocide in Gaza. presstv.ir Turkey has criticized the Greek Cypriot administration for allowing two British bases on the island to be used for US arms shipments to Israel.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Over 17,000 Palestinian children orphaned by war as 21,000 kids missing. presstv.ir The Government Media Office in Gaza says more than 17,000 children have been orphaned since the beginning of Israel's genocidal war on the Palestinian territory more than eight months ago.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Thousands of regional resistance fighters say ready to join Hezbollah in case of war with Israel. presstv.ir Anti-terrorism volunteer groups in West Asia voice their readiness to fight alongside the Hezbollah resistance movement in case of an Israeli war on Lebanon.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Protesters clash in Brooklyn as Israeli firm hosts event to sell stolen Palestinian land. presstv.ir New York's Jewish community has been hosting events annually to auction off land in Israel and in West Bank settlements.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Israeli forces abduct 60 Palestinians in West Bank amid prison overcrowding. presstv.ir Israeli forces have abducted dozens of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, despite the fact that the military had to halt around 20 arrests of activists in the area due to its already overcrowded prisons.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Hamas chief's sister among dozens killed in Israeli strikes on Gaza. presstv.ir Israeli warplanes conduct fresh air raids on the Gaza Strip, killing at least 27 Palestinians, including Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh's sister.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Iran urges D-8 dynamic role to promote multilateralism. presstv.ir Ali Bagheri Kani says the D-8 should promote constructive interaction among independent bodies based on multilateralism.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Hezbollah: All sensitive Israeli targets within range; Tel Aviv seeks to make up for losses. presstv.ir Hezbollah says waging war on Lebanon will not help the Israeli regime make up for its defeats.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Iraqi resistance to fight Israel 'at zero distance,' official warns. presstv.ir Iraqi official warns that the country's resistance fighters would engage the Israeli regime "at zero distance" if the latter waged a war against Lebanon.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Israel escalating abduction of Palestinian children: Rights group. presstv.ir The Palestinian Prisoners Society said at least seven children, including two brothers, had been kidnapped in the previous 24 hours.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). US warns Israel that conflict with Hezbollah could spark regional war. presstv.ir The US says it is urgently working towards a diplomatic agreement to prevent a conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). US interests will be targeted if Israel attacks Lebanon, warns Iraqi resistance. presstv.ir The secretary general of Iraq's Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq resistance movement says the US interests in West Asia will be targeted in case Israel wages military aggression on Lebanon.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Gaza onslaught blocks exams, crushes Palestinian students' dreams. presstv.ir The Israeli onslaught on Gaza dashes hopes of Palestinian students who want to pursue higher education.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Live Updates: Fifth debate in 2024 Iran presidential election. presstv.ir Live updates of the fifth and final televised debate of the 2024 Iranian presidential election with the participation of six candidates…

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Iran blasts Europeans' systematic violation of JCPOA after US exit, calls for dialogue. presstv.ir A senior Iranian diplomat says US departure and E3's non-compliance with the JCPOA are the main reasons for the failure of the deal.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Analysis: How fifth and final debate in 2024 Iran presidential election unfolded. presstv.ir The fifth and final televised debate ahead of the June 28 snap presidential election in Iran was held on Tuesday afternoon with the participation of six candidates vying for the top executive office.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Analysis: How presidential hopefuls outlined foreign policy plans in 4th debate. presstv.ir Six contenders vying for the presidency of the Islamic Republic of Iran outlined their detailed blueprints for the country's foreign policy during the fourth televised debate on Monday.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). 1,300-plus Hajj pilgrims die as Saudi Arabia blames heat. presstv.ir Saudi Arabia puts the death toll during this year's Hajj pilgrimage to at least 1,301 so far, blaming intense heat for the majority of the cases.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Geoeconomic implications of Iran's Rasht-Caspian railway. presstv.ir The project is a driver of economic activities and a catalyst in the creation of logistics centers and distribution of goods, which will generate added value along the corridor and increase the country's transit capacity and income.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Search underway as 20 bodies found in South Korean battery plant fire. presstv.ir Around 20 bodies have been found at a South Korean lithium battery factory after a massive blaze.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Highlights: Fourth debate in 2024 Iran presidential election. presstv.ir Highlights of the fourth televised debate of the 2024 Iranian presidential election on the subject of foreign policy with the participation of six candidates…

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). End of an era: Iran says West's unilateralism crumbling, offers new world order model. presstv.ir Iran's interim president Mohammad Mokhber says the era of unilateralism is coming to an end and a new multilateral order is emerging in the world.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Leader: High voter turnout makes Iran proud, disappoints enemies. presstv.ir Ayatollah Khamenei says a higher voter turnout in the upcoming presidential election makes Iran proud and disappoints the country's enemies.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Lebanon to sue UK's Telegraph for 'ridiculous' report against Hezbollah. presstv.ir Lebanon vows to sue British daily The Telegraph over a media report alleging Hezbollah is storing weapons at Beirut's Rafic Hariri International Airport.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Highlights: Fifth debate in 2024 Iran presidential election. presstv.ir Highlights of the fifth and final televised debate of the 2024 Iranian presidential election with the participation of six candidates…

hindustantimes (2024-06-25). As Israel Fails With Brute Force, New Plan To Kill Hamas War Leaders? Main Weapon Man Dead, Says IDF. hindustantimes.com The Israeli Army, on June 24, claimed to have killed a senior Hamas weapons expert. The slain Muhammad Salah was an operative in Hamas' weapons manufacturing headquarters. Salah was reportedly eliminated by an Israeli Air Force aircraft on IDF intel. Separately, IDF added that troops continue to operate in Rafah and Central Gaza. Watch for more.

hindustantimes (2024-06-25). Houthi Chief Roars At Biden After 'Forcing' U.S. Carrier To Leave Red Sea: 'Tyrant Of…' | Gaza. hindustantimes.com The Chief of Yemen's Houthi rebels launched a blistering attack on the United States. Sayyed Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi accused the U.S. of trying to impose its authority over Muslims. The Houthi leader described Washington as "the arrogant tyrant of this era". Watch for more.

hindustantimes (2024-06-25). Jaishankar, Indian Envoy Shame Trudeau For Skipping Pro-Khalistan Terror Mention | Canada | Kanishka. hindustantimes.com From India's foreign minister, to the Indian envoy in Canada – Justin Trudeau came under attack from senior Indian officials after failing to mention pro-Khalistani terror while speaking on the 1985 Kanishka bombing. Jaishankar said, "The anniversary is a reminder why terrorism should never be tolerated." The Indian High Commissioner fired a less-subtle jibe, saying, "No government in the world should overlook the threat of terrorism emanating from its territories for political gains." Watch the full video for more.

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