2024-10-08: News Headlines

bwitanek (2024-10-07). Israeli Genocidal Actions, Bombing Multiple Nations Regularly, Invading Lebanon . . . Kamala Blames Iran. fightbackbetter.com October 7, 2001 The U.S. invades Afghanistan. October 7, 2023 The Israeli-US alliance begins its latest genocide against the Palestinian…

aljazeera (2024-10-07). Pakistan bans prominent Pashtun rights group citing security concerns. aljazeera.com Government says activities of the Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement were 'prejudicial' to the country's peace and security.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-10-07). Brasil alcanzó su sexta corona mundial de fútbol sala. radiohc.cu Taskent, Uzbekistán 7 oct (PL).- Brasil alcanzó su sexta corona del orbe de fútbol sala, al vencer en la final de la Copa Mundial de Uzbekistán 2024 a Argentina por 2-1.

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