Daily Archives: May 9, 2024

2024-05-09: News Headlines

Mayssoun Sukarieh, Mondoweiss. (2024-05-09). How Israeli University Presidents Are Proving The Case For Boycott. popularresistance.org On April 26, 2024, the presidents of Israel's nine research universities — Ben-Gurion, Weizmann Insitute of Science, Hebrew University, the Open University, Ariel, Tel-Aviv, Haifa, and Technion-Israel Institute of Technology — issued a collective statement in response to the Palestinian solidarity student encampments that were spreading across university campuses throughout the United States and beyond. The statement was a remarkable condemnation of student protestors in the U.S. as engaging in "severe violence, antisemitism [and] anti-Israel sentiment," characterizing these students as "incited and h…

News Desk, The Cradle. (2024-05-09). Dutch Police Smash Pro-Palestine Protest Camp. popularresistance.org Riot police bulldozed barricades and temporarily detained 125 people to break up a pro-Palestine student protest at the University of Amsterdam in the early hours of 7 May, Reuters reported. | Four of the protesters are still being held on charges of public violence and insulting an officer, while the remainder have been released. | Organizers said they were "taking back this campus" in solidarity with Palestine and "in the spirit" of student protests that began in the US in response to Israel's genocide in Gaza. | Along with pro-Palestine demonstrators at universities in the US and Europe, the Dutch students are…

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2024-05-09). US Politicians Threaten To Invade International Criminal Court. popularresistance.org US government officials have threatened the International Criminal Court (ICC) at the Hague, telling its Prosecutor Karim Khan that if he issues arrest warrants against Israeli officials over their war crimes in Gaza, the US government could impose sanctions on him, other ICC personnel, and their family members. | US senators even threatened to invade the Hague if it tries to prosecute Israeli officials. | This April, Israel's extreme-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, a prominent member of the state security cabinet, called for "total annihilation" of Gaza.

Abdul Rahman, People's Dispatch. (2024-05-09). Pakistani Farmers Launch A Nationwide Movement. popularresistance.org Thousands of farmers in Pakistan have launched a nationwide movement demanding increased government procurement of wheat. The campaign will kick off with national mobilizations on Friday, May 10, Khalid Khokhar, the leader of Pakistan Kissan Ittehad (Pakistan Farmer Movement or PKI), a united body of most of the farmers' unions in the country, said in a press conference on Sunday. | The mobilizations are set to kick off in Multan, Punjab and would be a continuation of the last month's agitation in several parts of the country. Khokhar claimed that an even greater number of farmers' organizations and groups would…

Andrea Levy, André Frappier, Canadian Dimension. (2024-05-09). The Student Intifada Rises At Montréal Universities. popularresistance.org Students from all four Montréal universities came together over the last week to express their solidarity with the Palestinian people and pressure their institutions to cut ties with Israel. Following the lead of the camps protests in the United States, they set up an encampment on the grounds of McGill University on April 27, calling for a ceasefire and demanding that Montréal's halls of higher learning disclose their investments in companies complicit with the genocide in Palestine and divest from those companies, in addition to cutting ties with Israeli academic institutions. | In the specific case of McGill U…

The Peoples Art Institute, Left Voice. (2024-05-09). The People's Art Institute Denounces Police Attack On Student Encampment. popularresistance.org The People's Art Institute, constituted by SAIC students, announced our encampment situated in the AIC's North Garden, on Saturday morning, May 4, at 11: 30 A.M. The goals of the encampment were clear: to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and to demand SAIC and AIC divest from entities profiting off of the occupation and genocide in Palestine. | Students began setting up and by 12: 05 P.M., CPD was onsite and an arrest warning was issued. CPD started kettling protestors on the sidewalk at the corner of Monroe and Michigan and removed them from the North side of the garden with extreme force.

Reuters (2024-05-09). Hamas says it will not compromise further with Israel to win Gaza ceasefire. scmp.com Talks are still under way in Egypt as negotiators seek a pause in Israel's seven-month-old offensive.

Paul Larudee (2024-05-09). Will a Gaza ceasefire be as successful as the two-state solution? dissidentvoice.org Who proposed a two-state solution? Not the Palestinians. Not Israel. It was conceived in the young United Nations, and proclaimed there in November, 1947. But it was never successfully implemented, despite on-and-off negotiations continuing for the better part of a century. The Zionist leadership briefly promoted it prior to the 1947 UN vote, but only …

Rachel Hu, Chris Garaffa (2024-05-09). CovertAction Bulletin: As Rafah Invasion Looms, Students and Workers Boost Solidarity & Resistance. covertactionmagazine.com Hamas on Monday accepted a ceasefire deal that Israel has effectively rejected, instead moving forward with their invasion plans for Rafah, taking control of the Palestinian side of the Rafah gate that separates Palestine from Egypt, and making incursions into Rafah with tanks and shelling from the air. Over 100,000 Palestinians have been told to evacuate from Rafah, but are left with very few places to go…

Donya Ahmad Abu Sitta (2024-05-09). Unwanted gifts from Israel. electronicintifada.net A homecoming without joy.

Pressenza New York (2024-05-09). Detroit Will Host People's Conference for Palestine From May 24-26. pressenza.com The conference comes as Israel's brutal genocide in Gaza completes seven months, with the United States and its other western backers showing no signs of cutting off support even with a death toll of over 35,000 Palestinians killed by Israel. However, as Israel and the west refuse to back down, hundreds and thousands of people across North America have been disrupting business as usual to demand an end to the genocide, the lifting of the siege of Gaza, an end to all US aid for Israel, and a free Palestine. Organizers of the conference say that it seeks to provide an opportunity for organizations to come together…

WSWS (2024-05-09). Australian youth and students call for immediate release of Ukrainian socialist Bogdan Syrotiuk. wsws.org "Alongside Bogdan's arrest, students protesting against Israel's genocide in Gaza are being suppressed around the world."

Editor (2024-05-09). Israeli Forces Hit the Main Fertility Clinic in Gaza. Legal Experts Ask, Is It Genocide? scheerpost.com By Dawn Clancy / PassBlue For more than a decade, Mohammad Ajjour helped Palestinian couples in Gaza facing infertility to achieve their dreams of parenthood. But in a single missile attack launched by an Israeli tank in December 2023, the Al Basma IVF center was destroyed, along with the potential future use of thousands of embryos, specimens of …

WSWS (2024-05-09). At House hearing on "antisemitism," school officials placate GOP fascists, back suppression of anti-genocide protests. wsws.org While paying lip-service to independent thought, every school district official declared support for the Zionist state of Israel.

Vijay Prashad (2024-05-09). Youth rebellion over Gaza illuminates the wretchedness of capitalism. peoplesworld.org It was inevitable that global North governments' full-throated support for Israel's genocide against Palestinians would result in furious retribution from their citizenry. That this retribution began in the U.S. is also not a surprise, given the ongoing cycle of protests that, since October 2023, have contested the U.S. government's blank check to the Israeli government. …

Martha Grevatt (2024-05-09). May Day hits bank for investment in genocide. workers.org The Cleveland May Day Coalition held a demonstration on May 1 outside Key Bank's downtown headquarters, protesting the bank's $30 million investment in Israel bonds. The theme was "Divest from genocide, invest in our community. Workers' rights + human rights = key to a just future." The Coalition kept the . . . |

WSWS (2024-05-09). Bangladesh students protest Israeli genocide in Gaza. wsws.org "What Israel has been doing to the people of Gaza is clearly a war crime and genocide. The Netanyahu administration has violated all the humanitarian laws." —Bangladeshi student.

Ramzy Baroud (2024-05-09). Israel Wants to Destroy Gaza, Annex the West Bank: But What Does Gaza Want? counterpunch.org What is taking place in occupied Palestine is not a conflict, but a straightforward case of illegal military occupation, apartheid, ethnic cleansing and outright genocide. Those who insist on using 'neutral' language in depicting the crisis in Palestine are harming the Palestinian people beyond their seemingly innocuous words. This morally non-committal, middle-ground language is now

Leon Kunstenaar (2024-05-09). All Out for Rapha Rally at UCB. indybay.org Thousands answer call as Israel continues the genocide with attack on starving and bombed out Palestinians…

unitedEditor (2024-05-09). Tehran and Riyadh's efforts to fill void left by US inability in the region. unitedworldint.com Following Iran's missile strike on Israel's military and security zones, the regime was left with no choice but to remain silent in the face of Iran, paving the way for an event on which many political experts agreed upon, namely the redefinition of Middle Eastern political structures. By acquiescing to Iran's harsh response to the …

Alon Pinkas (2024-05-09). Netanyahu ignored every warning. Now Biden is telling Israel: 'Enough is enough'. haaretz.com With a shipment of some 3,500 bombs currently on halt, U.S. President Joe Biden is sending a clear message to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about a ground operation in Gaza…

(2024-05-09). Attacks, arrests, threats, censorship: The high risks of reporting the Israel-Gaza war. Mohamed Mandour

Reuters (2024-05-09). Joe Biden says US will withhold weapons from Israel if it invades Gaza's Rafah, in warning to ally. scmp.com US President Joe Biden publicly warned Israel for the first time that the US would stop supplying it weapons if Israeli forces make a major invasion of Rafah, a refugee-packed city in southern Gaza.

Paul James Kearns (2024-05-09). When Israelis find out I'm from Ireland, they ask: 'Why do you hate us?'. haaretz.com As an Irish-born, Israeli journalist living in Tel Aviv, I am forced to navigate the deteriorating, often publicly antagonistic relationship between Ireland and Israel regarding the war in Gaza. But there is one question posed by my friends and family in Dublin that I struggle to answer…

Jordan Atwood (2024-05-09). US senators threaten ICC with sanctions if Israeli officials are targeted. nationofchange.org This stern admonition, aimed directly at the ICC's prosecutor, comes as the court contemplates charges against Israeli officials for alleged war crimes in the Gaza Strip.

Staff (2024-05-09). Former IDF chief: Israel must halt Gaza war to secure release of hostages. haaretz.com In an interview aired Wednesday, Aviv Kochavi also admitted that Israel failed to recognize that Hamas was an existential threat before October 7…

latintimes (2024-05-09). Biden Threatens To Stop Arm Shipments If Israel Invades Rafah. latintimes.com President Joe Biden said Wednesday he would stop US weapons supplies to Israel if it attacks Rafah in southern Gaza, his most direct warning to date over the prosecution of the war against Hamas. His fresh warning came after the US last week halted a shipment of huge American bombs to Israel.

WSWS (2024-05-09). Israeli assault on Rafah creates humanitarian catastrophe. wsws.org The launch of Israel's long-planned assault on Rafah has created a humanitarian catastrophe, displacing tens of thousands of Gazans and threatening the entire population with starvation.

David Rosenberg (2024-05-09). Israel, isolated? Don't believe everything you read. haaretz.com It was news that Turkey severed trade relations with Israel, but not news that 120 other countries didn't. The hard facts are still waiting to emerge, but Israel shouldn't be complacent…

newleftreview (2024-05-09). Richard Beck: Bidenism Abroad. newleftreview.org Panoramic survey of US foreign policy as Washington attempts to maintain its global hegemony in conditions of faltering growth. Containing China, confronting Russia, driving decarbonization: each of Biden's stated aims has been beset by insoluble contradictions from the outset, Richard Beck argues, now compounded by Israel's punitive war on Gaza.

Bar Peleg (2024-05-09). Over 5,000 Israeli civilians murdered in terror attacks since 1851, National Insurance Institute data shows. haaretz.com A total of 822 Israeli civilians have been murdered the start of the Israel-Hamas war on October 7, leaving 630 children orphaned, 177 people widowed, and 693 parents bereaved…

Partido Lakas ng Masa (2024-05-09). Partido Lakas ng Masa (The Philippines): Defend Rafah! End the siege on Gaza now! Stop Israel's fascist and genocidal invasion! links.org.au Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM) condemns in the strongest terms the recent wave of bombings of Rafah by the settler-colonial and fascistic Zionist project of Israel.

tn.ai (2024-05-09). 3 Israeli-Affiliated Vessels Attacked by Yemeni Forces in Support of Gaza: Spokesman. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Yemeni forces have attacked three ships affiliated to Israel as part of a maritime campaign in support of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, a spokesman said.

Graham Liddell (2024-05-09). Palestinian Writers Have Long Explored the Horrors of Amputation. counterpunch.org Words fail as 2,000-pound bombs shred lives and limbs. The sheer number of children killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza is devastating — at least 13,000 children in the first six months of the war. But somehow I am even more dumbfounded by the headlines, piled one after another, about children who have managed to

Ben Samuels (2024-05-09). Biden: U.S. will halt arms shipments to Israel if it continues with Rafah invasion. haaretz.com In CNN interview, U.S. president said that he told PM Netanyahu that Israel would not have America's support if it enters Gaza population centers…

tn.ai (2024-05-09). Iran to Keep Up Efforts for An End to Israeli War on Gaza: FM. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian vowed the country's continued efforts aimed at bringing an end to the Israeli regime's crimes in the war on Gaza.

unitedEditor (2024-05-09). Tehran and Riyadh's efforts to fill void left by US inability in the region. uwidata.com Following Iran's missile strike on Israel's military and security zones, the regime was left with no choice but to remain silent in the face of Iran, paving the way for an event on which many political experts agreed upon, namely the redefinition of Middle Eastern political structures. By acquiescing to Iran's harsh response to the …

Yaniv Kubovich (2024-05-09). Disdain, denial, neglect: The deep roots of Israel's devastating intelligence failure on Hamas and October 7. haaretz.com After the 2021 Gaza war, Israeli military intelligence made a series of fateful decisions about what constituted the real threat from Hamas in Gaza. From the silencing of divergent opinions to the culling of units, this is how a 'chain of failures' happened…

Zvi Bar'el (2024-05-09). Taking control of the Rafah crossing means that Israel is once again occupying Gaza. haaretz.com The move, which has military justification from an Israeli perspective, could have implications according to international law – and could complicate Jerusalem's relationship with Cairo…

tn.ai (2024-05-09). Lebanon's Hezbollah Attacks Israeli Targets in North of Occupied Palestine. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Hezbollah has launched a multipronged attack on Israeli targets in the north of occupied Palestine, the Lebanese resistance movement said.

Staff (2024-05-09). Pulitzer Winner Nathan Thrall on Israel's "System of Domination" and Biden Pausing Bomb Shipment. democracynow.org Jerusalem-based journalist and author Nathan Thrall has been awarded the 2024 Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction for his book, A Day in the Life of Abed Salama: Anatomy of a Jerusalem Tragedy. It tells the story of Israel's occupation of the West Bank through one Palestinian father's quest to seek answers and accountability after his 5-year-old son is involved in a deadly accident. We speak to Thrall about President Biden saying for the first time that he would not supply certain weapons to Israel to be used in an all-out invasion of Rafah. "It is too little, too late," Thrall says. &#8…

Reuters (2024-05-09). Israel strikes eastern Rafah, as Biden says US will withhold weapons if major Gaza assault proceeds, in warning to ally. scmp.com Israeli forces massed tanks close to built-up areas of Rafah, after US President Joe Biden vowed to withhold weapons from Israel if its forces launched a major invasion of the southern Gaza city.

unitedEditor (2024-05-09). 'We are in danger because of NATO membership': Turkish Vatan Party is sounding the alarm. uwidata.com By Abbas Djuma The chairman of Türkiye's Vatan Party speaks about the influence of the US, Palestine, and Israel, and the future of NATO When I told some of my colleagues and experts on Türkiye that I was going to Istanbul to visit the chairman of Türkiye's Patriotic Party (Vatan Partisi), Doƒüu Perinàßek, the reactions …

Staff (2024-05-09). Ben-Gvir tweets Hamas 'loves' Biden as president mulls halting U.S. arms shipments to Israel over Rafah. haaretz.com While Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid said Ben-Gvir's tweet endangered 'every IDF soldier and every Israeli citizen', Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said 'we will achieve complete victory in this war despite Biden's pushback'…

(2024-05-09). Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza war. cpj.org

Argiris Malapanis, Geoff Mirelowitz (2024-05-09). The Iran-Israel shadow war and its role in the broader Mideast conflict. links.org.au Argiris Malapanis & Geoff Mirelowitz — Recent developments in the shadow war between Israel and Iran have shed light on Tehran's "support" for the Palestinian liberation struggle.

Staff (2024-05-09). Aid Worker in Gaza: "To Say There's Not an Incursion in Rafah Right Now Is Patently False" democracynow.org Tens of thousands of displaced Palestinians are fleeing Rafah as Israeli airstrikes and shelling hammer the eastern part of the city. Fuel, food, medicine and other supplies have been cut off following Israel's seizure and closure of the border crossing with Egypt. The main hospital in the area has also been shut down. Over 1.4 million people are seeking shelter in Rafah, the southernmost city of the Gaza Strip. Tent camps in some parts of Rafah have now vanished, springing up again as displaced families head back north. Over 60 Palestinians were killed across Gaza, many of them in Rafah, over the past 24 h…

Rachel Fink (2024-05-09). Netanyahu reportedly followed by disguised ambulance following recent health issues. haaretz.com While sources who worked in former Israeli PM's offices indicated ambulances were only part of a PM's convoy in exceptional cases, sources told Israeli news outlet Walla that Netanyahu's ambulance is present even when traveling near major hospitals…

Yossi Melman (2024-05-09). Israel's Mossad admits for the first time: we were surprised on October 7. haaretz.com Even though the intelligence agency's responsibility for the catastrophic failure of October 7 is marginal compared to that of other organizations, it was involved in various ways in Israel's activity in Gaza, primarily in the flow of Qatari funds to Hamas…

Editor (2024-05-09). US Politicians Threaten To Invade Int'l Criminal Court If Israel Faces War Crimes Charges. scheerpost.com US Senators sent a letter to the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor, threatening to impose sanctions and even invade the Hague if it issues arrest warrants for Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Biden administration is also pressuring the ICC not to charge Israeli officials over their war crimes in Gaza.

tn.ai (2024-05-09). Iranian Spokesman Calls US Attempt to Provide Immunity for Israeli War Criminals 'Shameful'. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The spokesman for Iran's Foreign Ministry described as shameful and heinous the attempts by US lawmakers to provide immunity for the Israeli regime's officials sought by the International Criminal Court (ICC) over their war crimes in Gaza.

The Independent (2024-05-09). Stanbic boosts Vumbula Uganda festival. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Stanbic Bank Uganda is the platinum sponsor of the popular Vumbula Uganda Festival, a 3-day extravaganza that showcases Uganda's rich tourism attractions, art, heritage, music, and culture. This year's edition takes place between May 31st and June 3rd at the spacious Nile Nest resort in Jinja. Israel Arinaitwe, the Stanbic …

Staff (2024-05-09). Headlines for May 9, 2024. democracynow.org Israel "Chokes Off Aid" to Gaza, Rains Down More Bombs on Rafah as Families Have Nowhere to Go, Biden Says U.S. Will Cut Off Some Weapons to Israel If It Goes Further into Rafah, Protesters Greet Biden During Chicago Campaign Stop; Hostage Families Clash with Police in Tel Aviv, Health Workers Uncover 49 More Bodies at Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital, Israel Demolishes 47 Bedouin Homes in Negev Desert, Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush Hold Press Conference with Students Amid Police Crackdown on Gaza Protests, Professors at The New School Launch First Faculty Encampment for Gaza, Universities in Barcelona, Dubl…

Ofer Aderet (2024-05-09). Israel's population reaches 9.9 million on eve of Independence Day, data reveals. haaretz.com According to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, Israel and its West Bank settlements population is expected to reach over 10 million by next year's Independence Day…

Arturo Desimone (2024-05-09). The Last Regime Change and the Left's Lateness in Opposing Biden's Wars. counterpunch.org Around the world over the past six months, many ordinary and horrified spectators of the Gaza catastrophe have been left wondering why the US acts as if handicapped in its efforts to rein in its client state Israel, even as North America's international standing dwindles abroad, while Biden loses popularity at home and elections loom.

Sydney Allen (2024-05-09). Israel's war on Gaza takes center stage at Eurovision 2024. globalvoices.org The performance has kicked off and so have the protestorsOriginally published on While the annual Eurovision Song Contest is best known for its gaudy glitz and glamour, the…

Dave DeCamp (2024-05-09). Biden Says He Will Stop Sending Israel Heavy Bombs If It Attacks 'Population Centers' in Rafah. news.antiwar.com President Biden told CNN on Wednesday that the US would stop sending heavy bombs to Israel if its military launched a major invasion of Rafah and acknowledged that Israel has been killing civilians with US-provided munitions. The comments marked the first time Biden appeared to put conditions on US military aid to Israel, but it …

teleSUR (2024-05-09). Gaza Offensive to Continue Even Without US Support: Netanyahu. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the Israeli forces will continue their attacks in Gaza despite the U.S. threat to halt some weapon shipments. | RELATED: | "If Israel is forced to stand alone, Israel will stand alone," said Netanyahu in a public speech made on Sunday's Israeli Holocaust Memorial Day and posted on his X account on Thursday. | The Israeli prime minister added that "no amount of pressure" will stop Israe…

Staff (2024-05-09). Dozens of Israeli protesters blocked convoy of humanitarian aid to Gaza. haaretz.com WHO: Rafah's hospitals will run out of fuel in 3 days ‚ñ Israeli president says far-right minister's comments against Biden 'hurt Israel's national security interests' ‚ñ Reports in Lebanon: Four Hezbollah members killed in Israeli strike in country's north ‚ñ Syria: Israeli missiles headed for Damascus area shot down…

David Hill, Christine Whit (2024-05-09). Cozy with lobbyists: Ohio county negligent in managing $33 million Israel Bonds debt. peoplesworld.org Read earlier articles in this series: > Bad investment: Ohio county treasurer sinks public money into Israeli government bonds > Ohio: Franklin County treasurer attends Netanyahu meeting, steps up Israel Bond purchases COLUMBUS, Ohio—Representatives of Israel Bonds maintain frequent and close contact with Franklin County Treasurer Cheryl Brooks Sullivan and members of her staff, according …

Yaniv Kubovich (2024-05-09). U.S. decision to delay arms shipments to Israel could impact IDF's readiness on other fronts. haaretz.com Defense officials have warned the political leadership of the seriousness of the crisis and urged them to reach an understanding with Washington as soon as possible…

Ofer Aderet (2024-05-09). IDF names Israeli soldier killed by mortar shell near Lebanon border. haaretz.com Staff Sargeant Haim Sabach, 20, initially served in a back-end role in the army, and later requested to be transferred to another position. He received a certificate of excellence for his service during the Gaza war…

Chaim Levinson (2024-05-09). Israeli defense employee incarcerated for over a decade for severe sexual offenses. haaretz.com The former defense establishment employee was prosecuted over a decade ago for abusing his power and authority in a way that harmed other employees sexually, and was convicted of serious sexual offenses…

MEE staff (2024-05-09). Ireland: Trinity College Dublin divests from firms involved in Israel's occupation of Palestine. middleeasteye.net Ireland: Trinity College Dublin divests from firms involved in Israel's occupation of Palestine | Ireland's top university says it shares the horror its students feel over the ongoing assault on Gaza | | Trinity College Dublin said it had one contract with an Israeli company set to expire in 2025 (AFP…

latintimes (2024-05-09). Israel Shells Rafah As Biden Vows Arms Suspension. latintimes.com Israel shelled Rafah on Thursday as US President Joe Biden offered his starkest warning yet over the conduct of its war against Hamas, vowing to cut off arms transfers if an offensive into the southern Gaza city goes ahead.

Areeb Ullah (2024-05-09). UK government to fund chaplaincy service that 'advocates for Israel' on campuses. middleeasteye.net UK government to fund chaplaincy service that 'advocates for Israel' on campuses | £500,000 grant for University Jewish Chaplaincy comes as students around UK set up encampments to oppose war in Gaza | | A passerby wearing a kippah pushes his bicycle past an encampment protesting against t…

mforinoco (2024-05-09). US Politicians Threaten To Invade Int'l Criminal Court if Israel Faces War Crimes Charges. orinocotribune.com US Senators sent a letter to the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor, threatening to impose sanctions and even invade the Hague if it issues arrest warrants for Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Biden administration is also pressuring the ICC not to charge Israeli officials over their war crimes in Gaza. | US government officials have threatened the International Criminal Court (ICC) at the Hague, telling its Prosecutor Karim Khan that if he issues arrest warrants against Israeli officials over their war crimes in Gaza, the US government could impose sanctions on him, other ICC personnel,…

teleSUR (2024-05-09). Israeli Airstrikes Target Syrian Sites Near Damascus. telesurenglish.net In the early hours of Thursday morning, Israeli warplanes conducted an aerial assault targeting sites on the outskirts of Damascus, causing property damage. | RELATED: | The Syrian Ministry of Defense informed that the attack originated from the direction of the occupied Golan Heights. | The Syrian air defense forces responded, intercepting several missiles launched by the Israeli jets. Despite their efforts, some projectiles…

Tom Hussain (2024-05-09). Israel-Gaza war closes door on plans for India-Europe connection, paves way for Iraq-Europe road via Turkey. scmp.com Success of the US$17 billion Iraq Development Road depends on Iraq-Turkey ties, which have been fraught over oil exports and militant issues, analysts say.

Avi Scharf (2024-05-09). Top Israeli arms maker unwittingly reveals its largest foreign customer: India. haaretz.com It turns out that India accounted for a quarter of Israel Aerospace Industries' export revenues last year. Details on Azerbaijan and Morocco are also revealed in the Israeli company's annual report…

unitedEditor (2024-05-09). 'We are in danger because of NATO membership': Turkish Vatan Party is sounding the alarm. unitedworldint.com By Abbas Djuma The chairman of Türkiye's Vatan Party speaks about the influence of the US, Palestine, and Israel, and the future of NATO When I told some of my colleagues and experts on Türkiye that I was going to Istanbul to visit the chairman of Türkiye's Patriotic Party (Vatan Partisi), Doƒüu Perinàßek, the reactions …

Alma Elliott Hofmann (2024-05-09). Scenes from an Israeli relationship during a war in Gaza. haaretz.com When Rotem Codish's partner returned from serving in Gaza, she found she couldn't talk to him like before, so she started drawing illustrations of what they were experiencing. This daily series documented their most intimate problems, highlighting how couples cope in times of war…

Prem Thakker (2024-05-09). As Biden Warns Against Rafah Invasion, AIPAC Pushes Congress to Support Israel's Operation. theintercept.com In the face of increasing skepticism in Washington around Israel's planned invasion of Rafah, where some 1.4 million displaced Palestinians take refuge, the America Israel Public Affairs Committee spent this week lobbying Congress to support the operation. | In talking points sent to congressional offices on Tuesday and reviewed by The Intercept, AIPAC argued that invading Rafah is the only way to take out Hamas, and that Israel had "no other option." | "There is no example in recent military history of defeating a force like Hamas in Rafah without entering the city," read the talking points. "Commando raids a…

Angela (2024-05-09). Sunday 5/19: Voices from the Holy Land Online Film Salon: "Behind US and Israeli Headlines" indybay.org Zoom | Tinyurl.com/VFHL-May2024…

Staff (2024-05-09). President Maduro Meets with Communist Party Delegation From China. orinocotribune.com The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, held a meeting with a delegation of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), led by the vice minister of the International Department of the party, Chen Zhou. | In the meeting, reported by a Venezuelan presidency press release this Wednesday, May 8, the Venezuelan head of state was accompanied by First Lady Cilia Flores; Deputy Nicolás Maduro Guerra; the vice minister for Latin America of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela, Rander Peña; and the vice minister for Asia, the Middle East, and Oceania, Tatiana Pugh. | On the Chinese side, Zhou w…

Free Palestine! (2024-05-09). Friday 5/10: South Bay: Hands Off Rafah! indybay.org De Anza Park, 1150 Lime Dr, Sunnyvale…

Editor (2024-05-09). Dutch Police Smash Pro-Palestine Protest Camp. scheerpost.com

Martha Grevatt (2024-05-09). Solidarity with Palestine at Kent State shooting commemoration. workers.org May 4 marked the 54th anniversary of the killing of four students at Kent State University by the Ohio National Guard during a 1970 anti-war demonstration, part of countrywide protests after the U.S. expanded the Vietnam war with the bombing of Cambodia. Every year, activities on the KSU campus honor . . . |

Climate Justice Street Mural Arts Project (2024-05-09). Saturday 5/11: VIGIL for Shireen Abu Akleh & All Journalists Killed in Palestine. indybay.org Ferry Building (Harry Bridges Plaza), San Francisco…

South Bay Salute (2024-05-09). Olympic Black Power Statue is Site of San José State Students Protest for Palestine. indybay.org Photos by Len and Nancy…

Union of Agricultural Work Committees (2024-05-09). UAWC in Palestine Letter to Student and Youth Movements. indybay.org 30 April 2024…

Oakland Asian Cultural Center (2024-05-09). Saturday 6/22: "Searching For Kapwa" Film Screening And Discussion. indybay.org Oakland Asian Cultural Center auditorium.

Staff (2024-05-09). Indian PM Narendra Modi Runs on "Hatred and Demonization" of Muslims in World's Largest Election. democracynow.org Millions of voters in India are casting their ballots in the third of seven phases in the country's mammoth general election. The election pits Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Hindu nationalist BJP party against an alliance of more than two dozen opposition parties led by the Indian National Congress. Modi has recently come under fire from opponents for referring to Muslims in India as "infiltrators," but our guest, the award-winning Indian author and journalist Siddhartha Deb, points out that "the Hindu right, they've always been extreme," using "genocidal language&…

geo.tv (2024-05-09). What's inside Neom's futuristic coastal community Jaumur. geo.tv Saudi Arabia's megaproject unveils luxury marina community along Gulf of Aqaba…

Simon Hooper (2024-05-09). FBI informant who infiltrated Islamic State and al-Qaeda released from US prison. middleeasteye.net FBI informant who infiltrated Islamic State and al-Qaeda released from US prison | Kamran Faridi tells MEE he believes he was jailed for threatening to disclose 'dirty laundry' about FBI entrapment operations | | Kamran Faridi in a photo he says was taken near the frontline in opposition-held…

MEE correspondent (2024-05-09). Iranian press review: Universities welcome Americans, silence opposition at home. middleeasteye.net Iranian press review: Universities welcome Americans, silence opposition at home | Meanwhile, another dissident sentenced to death, and an asylum seeker's suicide draws attention to pressures Iranians face in Turkey
| | Protestors wave Palestinian flags on the West Lawn of…

Staff (2024-05-09). United Methodist Church resolution condemns Hindu nationalist persecution of Christians in India. muslimmirror.com By Muslim Mirror Web Desk United Methodist Church (UMC) delegates at the April 2024 General Conference have made a significant statement by overwhelmingly supporting a resolution condemning the persecution of Indian Christians by Hindu nationalists. This resolution also calls upon the US Department of State to classify India as a country of particular concern regarding …

Staff (2024-05-09). PM asks people to choose between 'vote jihad', 'Ram Rajya'. muslimmirror.com Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday asserted India has reached a turning point in history and people have to decide in the ongoing Lok Sabha elections if "vote jihad" or "Ram Rajya" is the way forward for the country. Addressing an election rally in Madhya Pradesh's Khargone district, Modi hit out at the opposition Congress, …

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-05-09). China rejects foreign interference in Taiwan. plenglish.com Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian made these statements when referring to the phrase 'any contingency for Taiwan is a contingency for Japan,' a notion preached by some parties in Japan and Taiwan. | "By repeating and exaggerating such rhetoric, the DPP (Democratic Progressive Party) is essentially telling the world that their underlying logic is to ingratiate themselves with Japan, sell out Taiwan and seek independence by demanding foreign support," the spokesman added. | Lin stressed that the One-China principle is a universal consensus and therefore, no separatist attempt 'will go anywhere, no matter what it…

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-05-09). Cuba seeks more cooperation with Eurasian Economic Union. plenglish.com Moscow, May 9 (Prensa Latina) President Miguel Díaz-Canel on Wednesday ratified Cuba's willingness to increase its participation in the development of the mechanisms of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU).

teleSUR (2024-05-09). Slovenia Prepares to Recognize Palestine as a State. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, the government of Slovenia began the procedure of recognizing the State of Palestine to help end the violence in Gaza. | RELATED: | "Atrocities that we see in Gaza every day are inadmissible and have to stop," Prime Minister Robert Golob told a news conference following a government session. | Slovenia's government coalition, which is composed of three center-left parties, is united on the plan to recognize the State of Palestine, he said, adding th…

tvbrics (2024-05-09). The Victory Parade takes place on Red Square in Moscow. tvbrics.com Leaders of Cuba, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other countries arrived in the Russian capital to take part in the celebrations…

Agencies (2024-05-09). Watch: Russia marks Victory Day, emboldened by Ukraine war gains. scmp.com The May 9 parade marks the Soviet Union's defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II and has become one of Russia's most important public holidays.

Communist Party of India Marxist-Leninist Liberation (2024-05-09). Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation: The dictator is down, throw him out! links.org.au CPI(ML) Liberation — The first two phases of the ongoing Lok Sabha elections have set the tone and direction of these elections. We the people of India must now take it forward to ensure a clear victory…

ecns.cn (2024-05-09). Nation's self-developed satellite to launch service in HKSAR. ecns.cn As China's first self-developed satellite communications system, Tiantong will offer commercial mobile services in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on Wednesday.

Maxime Duriez (2024-05-09). Syria/Dabbagh case : First trial in France of the crimes of the Syrian authorities. fidh.org

Nicholas Spiro (2024-05-09). A strong US dollar could bring Asia more pain, especially if Trump wins. scmp.com The prospect of 'higher for longer' interest rates and a 'stronger for longer' US dollar has hit Asian markets particularly hard, with Japan an extreme example. The only way the dollar will fall meaningfully is if the US economy slows sharply and the Fed cuts rates sooner and at a faster pace than markets expect.

tn.ai (2024-05-09). Tehran to Host Iran-Turkey Joint Economic Cooperation Commission. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran's minister of roads and urban development said the meeting of the Iran-Turkey Joint Economic Cooperation Commission will be held in Tehran within the next weeks.

tn.ai (2024-05-09). Iran's Missile, Military Might Non-Negotiable: President. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi reiterated that the country will not negotiate over its missile and defense capabilities.

Sydney Allen (2024-05-09). Heatwave highlights climate vulnerabilities in Southeast Asia. globalvoices.org

ptcnews.tv (2024-05-09). Russia accuses US of interference in India's elections amid religious freedom criticism. ptcnews.tv PTC Web Desk: The Russian foreign ministry has accused the US of attempting to destabilise India during its 2024 Lok Sabha elections, following criticism from a US federal commission regarding alleged violations of religious freedom in New Delhi. According to RT news, Maria Zakharova, spokesperson for the Russian foreign ministry, stated that Washington's lack of understanding of India's national mentality and history leads to unfounded accusations about religious freedoms in the country. Zakharova said such actions were disrespectful to India and constitute interference in its internal affairs.

tn.ai (2024-05-09). Iran's Deputy FM Stresses Tehran-Dushanbe Cooperation in Fight against Terrorism. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Ali Baqeri described cooperation between Iran and Tajikistan in the fight against terrorism as necessary.

bwitanek (2024-05-09). Teach Palestine Week May 13 — 17. fightbackbetter.com Integrating lessons about Palestine into our curriculum is vital for challenging the narratives propagated by mainstream media that often demonize a people struggling for survival and dignity on their own land. We must remember that Palestine has endured continuous attacks and systematic destruction for 76 years, and we must never forget the original and ongoing Nakba. | YOUR STUDENTS deserve an honest & truthful understanding of Palestine. We strongly urge educators to incorporate lessons about Palestine into their teaching every day from May 13th to May 17th. We will provide simple 20-minute activities that…

ecns.cn (2024-05-09). Attempts to pursue 'Taiwan Independence' doomed to fail: Foreign Ministry. ecns.cn Any attempt to pursue "Taiwan independence" under any pretext or in any form will not succeed, Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian said on Thursday.

(2024-05-09). Jordanian authorities shut down Al-Yarmouk TV station. facebook.com

ptcnews.tv (2024-05-09). Indian student Rupesh Chandra Chintakindi reported missing in Chicago since May 2. ptcnews.tv PTC News Desk: An Indian student, Rupesh Chandra Chintakindi, has been reported missing in Chicago since May 2. The Consulate General of India in Chicago has initiated efforts in coordination with local authorities and the Indian diaspora to locate and reestablish contact with him.In a recent statement posted on X, the Consulate General of India expressed deep concern over Rupesh Chandra Chintakindi's disappearance, stating, "The Consulate is deeply concerned learning that Indian student Rupesh Chandra Chintakindi is incommunicado since May 2. Consulate is in touch with the police and the Indian diaspora hoping…

ecns.cn (2024-05-09). 'Panda Train' on China-Laos railway makes debut in SW China. ecns.cn The train, decorated with images, paintings, and mascots of giant panda and named as "Panda Train", which operates along Southwest China's Guiyang and Xishuangbanna cities and Vientiane, Vang Vieng, Luang Prabang in Laos, departed from Guiyang on Wednesday.

Hugo GABBERO (2024-05-09). Azerbaijan: Arbitrary detention of Anar Mammadli. fidh.org In a context of increasing crackdown on civil society in Azerbaijan, more than 30 organisations including OMCT and FIDH in the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders call for the immediate release of Anar Mammadli and urge the authorities of Azerbaijan to end reprisals against human rights defenders in the country.
We, the undersigned human rights organisations, condemn in strongest possible terms the Azerbaijani authorities' detention of Anar Mammadli, (…) | – |

ptcnews.tv (2024-05-09). Russia supports India, queries US over lack of evidence in Pannun case. ptcnews.tv Moscow, May 9: Dismissing US allegations against India regarding a thwarted assassination plot targeting Sikh preacher Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, the Russian Foreign Ministry has emphasised that Washington has yet to provide credible evidence implicating Indian citizens in the case.Maria Zakharova, the official spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Ministry, stated during a briefing on Wednesday (local time) that, "According to the information we have, Washington has not yet provided any reliable evidence of the involvement of Indian citizens in the preparation of the murder of a certain GS Pannun. Speculation on thi…

Reuters (2024-05-09). Vladimir Putin warns of global clash as Russia marks Victory Day. scmp.com Russian president uses to speech to warn that his nuclear forces were 'always' on alert and that Russia would not tolerate any threats from the West.

Mark Gruenberg (2024-05-09). Are sleaze revelations fueling 20 percent GOP vote for dropout Haley? peoplesworld.org INDIANAPOLIS—It's bad enough that women and everyone who supports them are hearing stories in the current Trump trial about how he compared a porn star with whom he was about to have sex to his own daughter and how he assured the performer that his wife, Melania, was not an issue because they did not …

tn.ai (2024-05-09). Iran, Iraq Extend Gas Contract for Another 5 Years: NIGC Chief. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The CEO of the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) said the gas contract between Iran and Iraq, which would finish at the end of June 20, 2024, was extended for another five years.

(2024-05-09). Pakistani journalist Muhammad Siddique Mengal targeted, killed by bomb. voanews.com

Hugo GABBERO (2024-05-09). Georgia: International solidarity with Georgian civil society. fidh.org More than forty-five human rights organisations from around the world, including FIDH and OMCT within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, signed a letter in solidarity with Georgian civil society, condemning the efforts of the Georgian government to introduce the law on the transparency of foreign influence.
As human rights defenders across the globe, we are deeply troubled by efforts of the Georgian government to stifle civil society voices (…) | – |

ptcnews.tv (2024-05-09). Dubai-Jamaica flight with Indians sent back, MEA confirms. ptcnews.tv PTC News Desk: A chartered flight carrying multiple Indian passengers from Dubai to Jamaica has been sent back due to concerns over their documentation, confirmed the Ministry of External Affairs on Thursday. | MEA spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal on Thursday said, "We are given to understand that a chartered flight from Dubai landed in Jamaica with several Indians onboard. They had prior travel and hotel bookings. However local authorities were not satisfied with their documents. They were sent back to Dubai on 7th May."As per the reports, the chartered flight was carrying "253 Indians and other foreign nationals".

Hugo GABBERO (2024-05-09). Georgia: Parliament must drop the legislation on "transparency of foreign influence" fidh.org Georgian authorities' attempt to reintroduce the draft Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence is an attack against civil society and independent media. The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders (OMCT-FIDH) and the Human Rights Center call on the Parliament of Georgia to reject the adoption of this legislation, which is not compatible with the respect of the rights to freedom of association and expression.
Paris-Geneva-Tbilisi, May 7, 2024 — On May 1, 2024, the (…) | – |

teleSUR, idg, DRL (2024-05-09). Universidades españolas se suman a protestas antisionistas. telesurtv.net Las protestas contra el genocidio israelí en Palestina que comenzaron en universidades de Estados Unidos se extienden por todo el mundo.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-05-09). Israel vuelve a cerrar el cruce de Kerem Shalom al sur de Gaza. telesurtv.net La Unrwa alertó que no estaba siendo provista de ayuda humanitaria la Franja de Gaza.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-05-09). Ejército israelí intensificó ataques aéreos y terrestres contra Gaza. radiohc.cu La Habana, 9 may (RHC) El Ejército israelí intensificó en las últimas horas sus bombardeos y amplió su ofensiva terrestre en Gaza, en medio de temores globales por un asalto a la superpoblada ciudad de Rafah, reportaron hoy medios de prensa.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-05-09). Israel bombardea zonas civiles en Gaza con saldo de decenas de muertos. telesurtv.net En Rafah, al sur de la Franja de Gaza, ocho civiles fueron asesinados por aviones de la ocupación en una casa de la familia Eid al oeste de la ciudad.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, JGN, SH, JDO (2024-05-09). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net La OMS ha alertado sobre la grave situación sanitaria en Gaza y la falta de recursos para atender a la población afectada por los ataques israelíes.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-05-09). Siria reitera apoyo a Gaza frente a genocidio de Israel. telesurtv.net Las muestras de apoyo por parte de Siria a la Franja de Gaza ocurren a 215 días del inicio del asedio de las fuerzas de Israel en el territorio.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-05-09). Más de 34.900 palestinos asesinados en Gaza por Israel. telesurtv.net El número total de heridos aumentó a 78.514 personas tras los constantes ataques del ejército de ocupación.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-05-09). Cuba pide mayor participación en Unión Euroasiática. telesurtv.net Agradeció la amistad de la Unión Económica Euroasiática en la lucha contra el bloqueo impuesto por Estados Unidos a Cuba.

Michael Roberts (2024-05-09). India: Modi and the rise of the billionaire Raj. cadtm.org A general election in India starts today. 970m Indians, more than 10% of the world's population, will head to the polls in what will be the largest election in history for the Lok Sabha (House of the People) parliamentary elections. The poll will spread across India and take up to 4 June to complete. Opinion polls suggest that Prime Minister Narendra Modi, leader of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and his coalition will win a third successive 5-year term, and win by (…) | – | / |

Sushovan Dhar (2024-05-09). India : popular movements, not elections, will bring transformative change. cadtm.org With the exception of a brief period, India has been more fortunate than many other nations in being able to maintain parliamentary rule over the last 77 years. With 900 million voters—more than the populations of Europe and Australia put together—the Indian elections are hailed as the largest exhibition and celebration of democracy. The nation's economic growth over the past 30 years —one of the fastest in the world—also makes the elections noteworthy on a global scale.
| India is undoubtedly at (…) | – | /…

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-05-09). Al-Manar correspondent in south Lebanon reports Israeli drones target a car on a road in Bafliyeh, South Lebanon. english.almanar.com.lb

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-05-09). Yahya Saree: Yemen's Missile Force executed two operations targeting the MSV Vittoria, the first in the Indian Ocean, and the second in the Arab Sea. english.almanar.com.lb

newarab (2024-05-09). Israel, Hamas resume talks in Cairo for Gaza ceasefire deal. newarab.com Israeli and Hamas delegations are back in Cairo to Hamas announced on Monday evening that it agreed to a proposed deal presented by mediators

newarab (2024-05-09). Israel Rafah attack may be south Gaza famine 'tipping point'. newarab.com An Israeli forces seized southern Gaza's Rafah border crossing with

newarab (2024-05-09). Majority of Democrats believe Israel is committing genocide. newarab.com A new poll published on Wednesday found a majority of According to the poll carried out by

newarab (2024-05-09). Trapped in Rafah, I'm witnessing genocide with my own eyes. newarab.com Monday already feels like a lifetime ago. | Outbursts of joy from But now it's clear this false dawn — the most painful of all — may well be our last. Israel has begun evacuating the eastern part of Rafah and strangled aid routes. Now they are shelling us with impunity. | Israel's politici…

newarab (2024-05-09). Palestinian academic freedom case argued in US federal court. newarab.com A decade-old case on academic freedom and the right to boycott was The issue is whether or not academics committed a violation by participating in an anti-Israel boycott. The defence has argued this is their constitutional right, noting that this case has been dismissed multiple times. | "His advocacy is protected, his communicating views to members of the public in connection with an i…

newarab (2024-05-09). Half of Gaza's water sites destroyed or damaged by Israel. newarab.com More than half of Gaza's According to the BBC, 53 percent of the 603 water facilities in the Gaza Strip have either been damaged or destroyed during Most of the sites that are affected are in…

newarab (2024-05-09). How Nur Shams camp became Israel's West Bank battleground. newarab.com Tulkarem, occupied West Bank – Since the start of the war on Gaza, Israel has "Israel has executed 22 military operations in the camp since the war began, the first of which was on October 19. This number is notably high when compared to preceding months," Sulaiman Al-Zuhairi, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Khadouri University in Tulkarem and a researcher on Palestinian refugee camps, told…

newarab (2024-05-09). Gaza: 49 bodies found in 3rd mass grave at Al-Shifa hospital. newarab.com Gaza health workers uncovered on Wednesday at least 49 bodies at The Israeli military has repeatedly targeted

newarab (2024-05-09). Israel pounds Gaza as truce talks resume. newarab.com Israel bombarded Rafah on Wednesday as the military said ground troops conducted "targeted raids" in the southern Gaza city's east, with negotiations to halt the seven-month war underway in Cairo. | Israel has defied international objections and sent tanks into Rafah, which is crowded with Palestinian civilians sheltering near the Egyptian border, seizing early on Tuesday a crossing that is the main conduit for aid into the besieged territory. | The White House condemned the interruption to humanitarian deliveries, with US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin later confirming reports that Washington had paused a shi…

newarab (2024-05-09). US delays report on whether Israel broke international law. newarab.com US President The State Department had been working for months on the review, which was set to determine whether Israel violated international humanitarian law since the war on Gaza started in October. | If it was found that Israel was indeed violating in…

newarab (2024-05-09). How will Israel's attack on Rafah impact the Lebanese front. newarab.com On Monday, 6 May,

newarab (2024-05-09). Belgium university to quit project with Israeli institutions. newarab.com A It comes after a negative assessment by Vrije Universiteit Brussel's ethics commission, the Belga News Agency reported. | The university said it would start discussions with the The Vrije Universiteit Brussel said on Tuesday tha…

newarab (2024-05-09). Barclays 'increased financing' of Israel-linked arms firms. newarab.com The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC), Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) and War on Want found a significant increase in shareholdings in loans to nine companies known to be producing weapons used by Israel. | The repo…

newarab (2024-05-09). Trinity College Dublin and UB set to divest from Israel. newarab.com Two European Trinity College The action saw the…

newarab (2024-05-09). Ecocide in Gaza: The environmental impact of Israel's war. newarab.com In the place of orchards, sandy beaches, and strawberry fields that were once the pride of Gazans, the coastal territory is now a "In northern Gaza, two-thirds of the land was agricultural – now there's nothing left," says Samar Safiya, a Gazan environmental activist. | Her voice notes, sent by WhatsApp to The New Arab, paint a

newarab (2024-05-09). Empty streets and 'fear' in Gaza's Rafah since Israeli incursion. newarab.com Displaced More than 1.4 million people had crammed into Rafah, a city on the Gaza Strip's southern border with Egypt, as Israeli forces pushed their way southward from the coastal territory's north dur…

newarab (2024-05-09). Video shows Egyptian soldiers assaulting Palestinian boy. newarab.com A video showing a violent attack on a Palestinian boy fleeing the Israeli war on Gaza by Egyptian soldiers has triggered outrage across Egypt. | In the video in question, several Egyptian army soldiers are seen beating up a teenage boy believed to have attempted to illegally cross into Egypt. | One Egyptian soldier told his colleagues as he attacked the boy: "Let me teach the kid a lesson." The dialect of the soldier in the video seemed to be Egyptian Arabic; but the timing or the exact location of the incident remains unclear. Neither is the identity or the nationality of the boy. | üö®&…

newarab (2024-05-09). South Gaza hospitals have only three days' fuel left: WHO. newarab.com Hospitals in the southern Gaza Strip have only three days of fuel left due to closed border crossings, the head of the World Health Organization said Wednesday. | Despite international objections, Israel sent tanks into the overcrowded southern city of Rafah on Tuesday and seized the nearby crossing into Egypt that is the main conduit for aid into the besieged Palestinian territory. | WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said fuel that the UN health agency had expected to be allowed in on Wednesday had been blocked. | The Israeli authorities control the flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza. | "The clo…

newarab (2024-05-09). Israel says Biden threat to stop arms 'very disappointing'. newarab.com Two top Israeli officials criticised "This is a difficult and very disappointing statement to hear from a president to whom we have been grateful since the beginning of the war," Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, said on public radio in Israel's first reaction to Biden's warni…

newarab (2024-05-09). Video of Israeli businessman's murder in Egypt goes viral. newarab.com A video has gone viral over the past hours, allegedly showing In 'Shalom' is a Hebrew word idiomatically used to mean "hello" or "goodbye"

newarab (2024-05-09). Lebanon body puts Israeli bombardment damage at $1.5 bln. newarab.com Seven months of Israel and

newarab (2024-05-09). Netanyahu 'pushed for Rafah attack now' at cabinet meeting. newarab.com Israeli Prime Minister According to a Haaretz source, everyone present at the war cabinet meeting apart from Netanyahu opposed the immediate offensive and it was voted down. | The source told Haare…

newarab (2024-05-09). Lebanon security source says five killed in Israeli strikes on south. newarab.com A Lebanese security source said five people including two Hezbollah fighters were killed on Wednesday in Israeli strikes on southern Lebanon, with a Palestinian group reporting three fatalities among its ranks. | Israel and Hezbollah, a Hamas ally, have stepped up cross-border exchanges that have been ongoing following Israel's onslaught on Gaza on 7 October. | According to the Lebanese security source, "two Hezbollah fighters" were killed in an Israeli air strike on the border town of Adaisseh. | Hezbollah later said two of its fighters had been "martyred on the road to Jerusalem", the phrase it uses to refer…

newarab (2024-05-09). Biden: US to withhold weapons from Israel if Rafah invaded. newarab.com President "I made it clear that if they go into Rafah, I'm not supplying the weapons t…

newarab (2024-05-09). Israel bombs Rafah as Biden threatens arms suspension. newarab.com Israel has already defied international objections by sending in tanks and conducting "targeted raids" in the border city, where an estimated 1.4 million displaced Palestinian civilians. | Israel on Thur…

newarab (2024-05-09). Israel to 'give private US firm control of Rafah crossing'. newarab.com According to Haaretz, negotiations are ongoing with the unnamed company, which employs former elite US soldiers and specializes in securing strategic sites in Africa and the Middle East. | Israel and the US will help the firm if needed, the report added. | However, US officials have refused to confirm this. | US National Security Cou…

newarab (2024-05-09). Son of Shoah survivors: Israel has become 'Nazi society'. newarab.com

newarab (2024-05-09). Preserving Syria's past: The tragic loss of Idlib artefacts. newarab.com northwest Syria is among the richest of the country's regions when it comes to its However, in the last 13 years of war, these sites — some of which are on the

newarab (2024-05-09). Iranian President Raisi to make first visit to Iraq soon. newarab.com Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi is slated to visit The expected visit would mark Raisi's first since assuming the presidency and his second to Baghdad within the past five years, having previously served as the head of the judiciary in Iran. | The President of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Nechirvan Barzani, confirmed Raisi's visit to Iraq during and following…

newarab (2024-05-09). Extremist rabbi's cousin charged with ramming Gaza protester. newarab.com A New York real estate developer was charged with felony assault after police said he hit a woman with his car during a pro-Palestine demonstration led by students connected to the Reuven Kahane, 57, was arrested Tuesday morning after driving his car into a 55-year-old safety marshal for the protest, according to witnesses and a New York police department spokesperson. | The woman, who was treated at a hospital for minor injuries, was also arrested, but charges of criminal mis…

newarab (2024-05-09). Preserving Syria's past: The tragic loss of Idlib artefacts. newarab.com

newarab (2024-05-09). Iran nuclear cooperation 'completely unsatisfactory': IAEA. newarab.com

newarab (2024-05-09). Iranian drone attack kills two in northwestern Syria. newarab.com At least two people were killed in an Iranian drone attack on rebel-held The suicide drones targeted the neighbouring villages of Basoufan and Kabashin in the northern countryside of the One of the casualties was reportedly a rebel commander, a Syrian activist told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed. Five more people…

newarab (2024-05-09). Basra in shock after 13 Iraqi lives lost in murder-suicide. newarab.com

newarab (2024-05-09). Iranian director Mohammad Rasoulof sentenced to prison. newarab.com

newarab (2024-05-09). Macklemore pro-Palestine song faces YouTube 'shadow ban'. newarab.com US rapper Macklemore's The song, titled 'Hind's Hall', paid tribute to

newarab (2024-05-09). Ghassan Abu Sittah receives honorary doctorate from AUB. newarab.com British-Palestinian doctor and activist The prestigious university chose Abu Sittah for his efforts treating the wounded around the region over the last decade. | Joining Abu Sittah as recipients of the award are Indian author Arundhati Roy and American philanthropist Darren Charles Walker. | The honorees will be inducted into this year's Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters category at…

newarab (2024-05-09). 3 policemen killed in bomb attack in northeast Afghanistan. newarab.com The improvised explosive device (IED) was attached to a motorcycle which targeted a convoy of police vehicles in Faizabad, the capital of mountainous Badakhshan province, around 11 am (0630 GMT). | "The bomb exploded while the convoy of police forces was on its wa…

newarab (2024-05-09). Erdogan threatens new military operation in Syria. newarab.com Turkish President Turkey "will complete its work in Syria when the time is right," Erdogan said, following a government meeting earlier this week. | "Certainly, when the time and hour come, we will complete our work in Syria, which was left incomplete due to the promises made and broken by our allies," he added, apparently hinting at the US which supports Kurdish-led factions in war-…

presstv.ir (2024-05-09). Iran warns of human disaster in Rafah if Israel continues terror, genocide. presstv.ir The Iranian foreign minister warns that the continuation of Israel's acts of terror and genocide in Rafah will lead to another human disaster.

presstv.ir (2024-05-09). Oxford students protest against Gaza genocide. presstv.ir Students at Oxford University protest against the war in Gaza, demanding divestment from, and a boycott of, Israeli institutions that profit from the genocidal war.

presstv.ir (2024-05-09). Funeral of mother, son killed in Israeli strike on south Lebanon. presstv.ir Mourners carry the coffins of May Youssef and her 12-year-old son, who were killed in an Israeli strike against a southern Lebanese village.

presstv.ir (2024-05-09). May 8: 'Axis of Resistance' operations against Israeli occupation. presstv.ir Resistance groups in Palestine and across the region continue their operations against the Tel Aviv regime and its Western backers.

presstv.ir (2024-05-09). French university students set up tents, protest against Israel's attack on Rafah. presstv.ir Dozens of student protesters demonstrated in front of Sciences Po University in Paris, denouncing Israel's recent attack on Gaza…

presstv.ir (2024-05-09). Irish college agrees to divest from Israeli firms following student protest. presstv.ir Students at Dublin have ended their pro-Palestine rally after college authorities agreed to divest from Israeli firms.

presstv.ir (2024-05-09). Gazans mourn over bodies of loved ones at al-Najjar hospital in Rafah. presstv.ir Relatives mourn over the bodies of their loved ones at al-Najjar hospital in Rafah in southern Gaza Strip after Israeli airstrike.

presstv.ir (2024-05-09). Greek May Day demos condemn Israeli savagery in Gaza. presstv.ir A few thousand protesters held flags, banners, and placards in support of Palestine and the protests taking place on university campuses in the States.

presstv.ir (2024-05-09). West asked Iran 'don't hit Israel hard', lower intensity of True Promise: FM. presstv.ir Iran's foreign minister says the West had called on the Islamic Republic to exercise restraint and mitigate the severity of its retaliation.

presstv.ir (2024-05-09). Hezbollah says it hit Israeli targets in 'multipronged attack'. presstv.ir Lebanon's Hezbollah says it launched a multipronged attack on targets controlled by the Israeli regime.

presstv.ir (2024-05-09). Yemeni forces target 3 Israeli-linked ships in Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean. presstv.ir The spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces says the army has launched attacks on three ships linked to Israel.

presstv.ir (2024-05-09). Wounded Gazans rushed to hospital following airstrike on Rafah. presstv.ir Injured Palestinians are rushed to Kuwait Hospital following an Israeli bombardment of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.

presstv.ir (2024-05-09). AIPAC censures Biden for pausing arms shipment to Israel. presstv.ir The powerful Israel lobby has hit out at the Biden administration for delaying arms shipment to Israel.

presstv.ir (2024-05-09). US halt to arms shipment to Israel too little too late: Rights advocates. presstv.ir The regime's relentless air and artillery strikes continue to claim civilian lives in the besieged Gaza Strip.

presstv.ir (2024-05-09). Israel uses negotiations as cover for Rafah invasion: Hamas. presstv.ir Hamas official says the Israeli regime is prolonging truce negotiations so it can carry out a full-scale invasion of the southern Gaza city of Rafah.

presstv.ir (2024-05-09). Families of Israeli captives press for swap deal with Hamas. presstv.ir Families of Israeli captives step up pressure to reach a swap deal with Hamas.

presstv.ir (2024-05-09). Op. True Promise 'source of national pride', consensus builder: Raeisi. presstv.ir Raeisi has praised as a source of national pride the Islamic Republic's daring strikes last month on the Israeli-occupied territories.

presstv.ir (2024-05-09). Iran: US threat of sanctions on ICC over Israel arrest warrants 'shameful'. presstv.ir Iran has hit out at the US over reports that American lawmakers are preparing legislation to sanction International Criminal Court officials if they issue arrest warrants against Israeli officials.

presstv.ir (2024-05-09). Palestine urges global action against Israel's planned Rafah assault. presstv.ir Palestine's UN ambassador calls on the international community to intervene to stop Israel's planned invasion of the Gaza city of Rafah.

presstv.ir (2024-05-09). Israel keeps bombing Rafah as truce talks resume in Cairo. presstv.ir The bombardment of Rafah comes despite Hamas agreeing to the proposed truce deal put forward by mediators.

presstv.ir (2024-05-09). Iran president urges global action for Gaza humanitarian aid. presstv.ir President Raeisi called on international organizations to intensify efforts to overcome obstacles created by the Israeli regime.

presstv.ir (2024-05-09). Thousands attend pro-Palestinian protest in Bangladesh. presstv.ir Thousands of Bangladeshi students march in Dhaka in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza and with pro-Palestinian student protests around the world.

presstv.ir (2024-05-09). Washington police clear pro-Palestine encampment, arrest dozens. presstv.ir Students had been inside the George Washington University Yard since April 25.

hindustantimes (2024-05-09). Iran-linked Houthis Strike Again; Rain Missiles & Drones On Three 'Israeli' Ships In Three Days. hindustantimes.com The Houthi rebels have claimed three missiles attacks on three different ships in three days. Houthi military spokesperson Yahya Saree said that two Panama-flagged container ships, MSC Gina and MSC Diego, were attacked in the Gulf of Aden. Though Saree said that they were hit accurately, there was no reported damage to both ships. Meanwhile, MSC Vittoria was struck twice, once in the Indian Ocean and then in the Arabian Sea. Houthi rebels said that the second attack was successful. Watch. INTERNATIONAL NEWS…

hindustantimes (2024-05-09). Biden's Final Threat To Israel Over Rafah Invasion Plan; 'U.S. Won't Give Artillery, Offensive Arms'. hindustantimes.com

hindustantimes (2024-05-09). Rafah Invasion Plan Lands Netanyahu In A Soup; Israeli Minister & Hamas Mount Attacks. hindustantimes.com

hindustantimes (2024-05-09). Israel Pays Heavy Price For West Bank Raids; Inspector Killed After Fighting Palestinian Gunmen. hindustantimes.com An elite commando of Israel's border police succumbed to his injuries, suffered in a deadly West Bank raid. Chief Inspector Yitav Lev Halevi, a border police officer and the commander in elite Yamam counter-terrorism unit was wounded during an operation in West Bank town of Dayr al-Ghusun, near Tulkarem, on May 4. Five gunmen, members of a Hamas cell responsible for the murder of an Israeli and the injury of others in recent terror attacks in the West Bank, were also killed in the IDF and Border police joint operation. Watch. INTERNATIONAL NEWS…

hindustantimes (2024-05-09). IDF Soldier Caught In Hamas Rocket Fury Over Rafah; Al-Qassam, Al-Quds & Al-Aqsa Brigades On Rampage. hindustantimes.com Hamas continued to launch attacks towards southern Israel since IDF seized the eastern side of Rafah crossing. Last night too, massive rocket barrages were fire from Rafah. Hamas' armed wing, Al-Qassam Brigades, alongwith Islamic Jihad's Al-Quds Brigades, Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades launched 16 joint attacks on May 7. Watch. INTERNATIONAL NEWS…

hindustantimes (2024-05-09). Israeli Soldier Killed As Hezbollah Pounds Army HQ With Burkan Missiles, Drones; IDF Fumes | Watch. hindustantimes.com The IDF has announced that an Israeli soldier was killed in Hezbollah's Burkan missile and explosive drone attacks on Army headquarters and Biranit Barracks near the Lebanon border on May 8. The Iran-backed group targeted Israel Army position in 10 different attacks on Wednesday. The IDF hit back with air strikes that left 7 people dead, including Hezbollah and Al-Quds Brigades fighters. Meanwhile, Israel's defence minister warned of a "hot summer" ahead as he met with Israeli troops at the northern border with Lebanon. Watch. INTERNATIONAL NEWS…

hindustantimes (2024-05-09). 'Russia Stopped Shelling After…': Jaishankar Recalls How PM Modi's Call To Putin Helped Indians. hindustantimes.com External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar recalled how India got things done for its stranded citizens when the Russia-Ukraine conflict began in 2022. Speaking at a session in New Delhi, Jaishankar said that once students were caught in shelling and the situation was brought under control as soon as PM Narendra Modi dialled Russian President Vladimir Putin. Watch. INTERNATIONAL NEWS…

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